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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Sep 13, 2006
So i work at a record label, helping the man write a big book. I have my lovely iBook with Word running on it because the secretary has a PC and whatnot. So i have this huge 300 page file that I break in half (it includes linked excel spreadsheets, images, text boxes, borders, THE WORKS!!) and I put it on a disk.

lo and behold when it's opened on the pc, it looks like ****. all the words are highlighted in grey. the images are missing. the font is all wacky. the comments show up in the wrong places. the format is just a complete disaster.

Can SOMEONE ANYONE help me out?!?! Give me some pointers on how I can fix this problem!! I have to go to kinko's today to print it and so far everyone that's seen it on the pc thinks i'm a complete douche and that i've made the book look even worse. I NEED HELP IMMEDIATELY!!!! I'll send candy to anyone that answers soon soonsoon!!!
From my experience linking objects into Mac:Word always gives problems when transferred to the PC. Could you print the file from your Mac to a PDF and show everyone that? It's by far the best way to ensure that everything looks as you intend.
i agree on just placing it in a pdf format. One question? If you still have it as a MacWord file why dont you just print it from that location and not even mess with the windows portion of it. save the file on the mac side and print it on one of many macs at kinkos.


i have heard that Corel Stuidos word files are much better at excepting transfers from mac to pc. Try to download the corel version on the pc and open your book up in that.
Just My 2c worth
It sounds like it might be a font issue between your mac and pc. If you did that whole document in a mac only font, then it won't recognize it on your pc.
thank you so much for your help. pdf seems like the way to go. i don't have adobe but i'm sure i could get it.

do any of you have any ideas on how to print comments in a doc???that's actually the reason i'm trying to print the doc on a pc. because the comments won't show up in the margins of mac documents. instead it prints on a whole seperate page like an index. my boss doesn't want that so that'swhy all the trouble!!!
magnetoscope said:
thank you so much for your help. pdf seems like the way to go. i don't have adobe but i'm sure i could get it.
You don't need it, if you have a fairly modern Mac (that is, with OS X). Save-to-PDF is one of the regular options when you print.
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