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macrumors regular
Original poster
Mar 15, 2012
Recently (was it when I first downloaded Sierra, I dunno, but around then), I'm having trouble typing with my US-International keyboard layout, which I've always used. I think the only issue I've noticed so far are the single quotes and double quotes. The behaviour is now different.

For e.g., ' is used for accents so if I press ' , then in the past, if I pressed e, a, i, o, u, I'd get accents like é. When pressing other letters, which don't have associated accents, I get just a regular apostrophe + letter. e.g., don + ' + t = don't. However, now, after I press the "t", nothing happens. So when I type a sentence with the word don', I end up with this. I have to press Space and then t to get the t to show. Is there something messed up in my settings or has Sierra messed with the keyboard?

Also I have noticed that it is autocompleting . for me. so if Do a :) it will try to add a period to the end of it :).

Has anyone noticed these problems? It's making it very difficult for me to type.


macrumors 603
Sep 8, 2011
I'm not seeing the same thing. Don't is working just fine for me, but if I do the same thing with an e it comes out as Doné. This is using the "US International - PC" input layout.

As for the period, see if you have System Preferences > Keyboard > Text > "Add period with double-space" enabled perhaps?

You may have some app or process running that's not reacting as expected in Sierra. Boot into Safe Mode and test.


macrumors 603
Sep 8, 2011
Press and hold the corresponding letter on your keyboard and a little popup with appear with numbered letters and accents. Select the letter of your choice.
That's absolutely true, but has nothing to do with what's being discussed. The international keyboard layout provides a different method that is much faster for people who commonly use accented letters. The press-and-hold method is fine for typing résumé once in a while but is way too slow for regular use.
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