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macrumors regular
Original poster
Sep 20, 2007
Was just curious to see what people have been experiencing for their shipping times from placing the order to receiving their iMacs. I will be getting a 24" 3.06GHz iMac probably at the end of this month and was wondering what to expect from date of purchase to delivery.

I see that the Apple Store website says 1-3 business days, and I take that to mean 1-3 days from time of purchase to when they actually ship it out. Have you guys received your iMacs quickly, or have things taken days, or weeks from door to door?
I ordered my 24" 3.06ghz last Sunday and it has yet to arrive. It's shipping from California to Pennsylvania and FedEx seems to suck at updating tracking. No tracking info since last Wednesday when it was in Nevada.

Also the original estimated delivery was Saturday July 12 on the FedEx site and that part has since completely disappeared.
I ordered my 24" 3.06ghz last Sunday and it has yet to arrive. It's shipping from California to Pennsylvania and FedEx seems to suck at updating tracking. No tracking info since last Wednesday when it was in Nevada.

Also the original estimated delivery was Saturday July 12 on the FedEx site and that part has since completely disappeared.

Mine will also be shipping to PA. Have you called Apple to see what was going on, what the delay was?
Well it's not an Apple issue since it's with FedEx now, but Apple did give an original delivery window that extends until tomorrow so I will hold off on calling FedEx until then.
Well it's not an Apple issue since it's with FedEx now, but Apple did give an original delivery window that extends until tomorrow so I will hold off on calling FedEx until then.

I would say it is an Apple issue since they actually have to hand off the package to FedEx. Most tracking numbers are generated by the shipper and not the courier themselves. Sometimes when I buy things from, I get a tracking number, but UPS and or FedEx don't actually have the package in hand so there isn't any real tracking info.

If I were you, I'd be calling everyone I possibly could to find out what's going on and not wait on anyone, your tracking number could just be a place holder for a future package. Oh and I've never experienced a courier just sitting on a package before, maybe I've been lucky.

Just my $0.02 USD :)
Well it's not an Apple issue since it's with FedEx now, but Apple did give an original delivery window that extends until tomorrow so I will hold off on calling FedEx until then.

Oh crap, I just totally missed that you had said it was in Nevada. Hell I would definitely start calling everyone, I wouldn't wait til tomorrow at all. :-/
Ordered a 3.06Ghz iMac Friday night at 11:49pm, payed for overnight (next business day) shipping.

It shipped Saturday and arrived today just before lunch.
just got off the phone with FedEx, I was told the reason the tracking hasn't been updated since Nevada is because it's been on an 18-wheeler since then and will probably arrive at a nearby facility this evening. I was told I can expect the package tomorrow.
heh, tracking just updated. arrived at the same location my free ipod was the night before it was at my door :)
I ordered mine online Saturday night (3.06GHz, 8800 GS, 500GB) and it should ship out between today or Thursday and arrive anywhere between this Thursday (17th) and next Wednesday (23rd). This was with the free standard ground shipping. So, I assume I won't get it until sometime next week meaning my order will have taken about 10-12 days.

However, my Time Capsule, AppleCare and free iPod touch left out yesterday and will all arrive tomorrow! Yea! Too bad the iMac is a ships in 1-3 days product....
I ordered my iMac yesterday and that's when it left, supposed to arrive tomorrow. Apple took the $33 shipping charge for 2-3 day off of my invoice because of a mixup :)
Just ordered mine this morning. Apple says delivery should be Jul 18 - Jul 24. I may have to take a day off of work. :)
Ordered mine through the education store on Friday to get the free iPod. iPod shipped Friday and was here by Tuesday. my 20" iMac has yet to ship, but it estimated it would ship between the 11th and 16th so if it doesn't ship tomorrow I'm gonna give a call to Apple and find out what the hold up is.
Ordered mine through the education store on Friday to get the free iPod. iPod shipped Friday and was here by Tuesday. my 20" iMac has yet to ship, but it estimated it would ship between the 11th and 16th so if it doesn't ship tomorrow I'm gonna give a call to Apple and find out what the hold up is.

I'm in the same boat pretty much. Ordered the 3.06ghz model on Friday with a wireless keyboard around noon along with a 16GB iPod Touch through the edu store. The touch got here Monday and the mac has yet to ship. Today the status changed from "NOT SHIPPED" to "PREPARED TO SHIP" so hopefully tomorrow they'll put it out.

In the meantime I have the iPod sitting in its box in a cupboard until I get the mac...
Hmmm...I just got shipping confirmation at 11:09PM! I think someone must have seen my post here. :) It says it's expected for delivery on the 22nd, hopefully it makes it by Saturday.
Hmmm...I just got shipping confirmation at 11:09PM! I think someone must have seen my post here. :) It says it's expected for delivery on the 22nd, hopefully it makes it by Saturday.

Lucky you, mine still says not shipped. I paid the extra shipping fee but I mean a lot of the computer is custom so I understand it might take longer but its getting pretty bad now. Hopefully it ships tomorrow and I'd love if it got here Friday that would be amazing. Still highly doubtful. Not too impressed with apples shipping.
I ordered my iMac on Sunday night and I got an email saying they shipped it today. They said estimated date of arrival 7/22 (from wherever to Philadelphia) with FedEx Ground (free shipping).
Lucky you, mine still says not shipped. I paid the extra shipping fee but I mean a lot of the computer is custom so I understand it might take longer but its getting pretty bad now. Hopefully it ships tomorrow and I'd love if it got here Friday that would be amazing. Still highly doubtful. Not too impressed with apples shipping.

If the touch was any indication I'm pretty happy with their shipping speeds (I guess that's because of FedEx) but their order preparation is pretty slow. The only thing BTO on my iMac was the wireless keyboard, and still it stayed at "not yet shipped" until yesterday. When I woke up yesterday it said "prepared to be shipped" and stayed like that all day.

Now that it's out the door hopefully FedEx gets it to me as quickly as possible. :)
Ordered a 3.06Ghz iMac Friday night at 11:49pm, payed for overnight (next business day) shipping.

It shipped Saturday and arrived today just before lunch.

That is my experience, too. I ordered late on a Friday (Independence Day) with overnight shipping. It shipped on Saturday, the 5th, and arrived before lunch on Monday. The Canon printer shipped on that Monday and arrived Turesday.
Update on my shipping...the Time Capsule, iPod touch and AppleCare are out for delivery and will arrive today.

The iMac just left today and I have been given a delivery date by July 19. Hopefully it waits to come until Monday as I'm out of town this weekend and will have no one to sign for it! :)

Just glad the order has been processed and it is on its way!

***UPDATE 07/17/08!***

So, I had my shipping pushed back as it was going to arrive on Saturday and there would be no one to accept the delivery. So my new iMac will be arriving on Tuesday the 22nd (no Monday delivery in our area).
Two days ago, I ordered mine and now it's on the FedEx truck out for delivery. Getting anxious...a few more hours, maybe less and I'll have it :D
If the touch was any indication I'm pretty happy with their shipping speeds (I guess that's because of FedEx) but their order preparation is pretty slow. The only thing BTO on my iMac was the wireless keyboard, and still it stayed at "not yet shipped" until yesterday. When I woke up yesterday it said "prepared to be shipped" and stayed like that all day.

Now that it's out the door hopefully FedEx gets it to me as quickly as possible. :)

Yeah, I knew it would take a little longer to get shipped cause I customized some stuff. But I mean, I only customized the memory (upgraded to 2GB instead of 1) and I got a wireless mouse and iWord pre-installed. I didn't think it would take 6 days to install an extra stick of RAM and a program.

Hopefully Apple hands it over to fedex soon and they can ship it as fast as they did with my iPod touch.
My order now states "Prepared for shipment.". Maybe when I get my tracking number, I'll breathe again. lol
My order now states "Prepared for shipment.". Maybe when I get my tracking number, I'll breathe again. lol

Me too. My replacement iMac's been sitting at that status since 9:30AM and now it's 4:00PM. When my first one was set to "prepared" it only took ~5 hours before it shipped, at 9:30PM. This one's sorta scaring me, I want to have it by tomorrow [shipping via overnight].
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