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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Aug 23, 2007
Do you think it'd be OK to use the OS X stock wallpaper images (e.g. Ladybug, Clown Fish, etc.) on a web site? The site is not commercial in any way. The images would be used in a Flash slide show demo, and would not be explicitly available for download.



macrumors Core
Jun 16, 2004
I think Apple use stock images, but they pay for it.

They are not royalty free images.


macrumors newbie
Original poster
Aug 23, 2007
So you think any public use outside OSX is a no-no? Even if I cite the source?

I reckon I won't likely get the feds on my tail if I do use the photos, but I'd rather avoid any potential headache.

Digital Skunk

macrumors G3
Dec 23, 2006
In my imagination
So you think any public use outside OSX is a no-no? Even if I cite the source?

I reckon I won't likely get the feds on my tail if I do use the photos, but I'd rather avoid any potential headache.

As long as there is no monetary value accumulated by yourself in anyway shape or form. Not even through ads on your site or by you selling Flash DVDs based on your demo. The images cannot aid you in making any money what-so-ever, then it's okay.

I'd be careful though... and what's wrong with using any other images just to be on the extra safe side?

Digital Skunk

macrumors G3
Dec 23, 2006
In my imagination
Or alternatively, find the stock image source and purchase it yourself

I doubt Apple is paying any kind of royalties for these images. They may have paid for the images to keep outright, so that they could have exclusivity with them, so he might have to talk to Apple. Since he has bought the computer with the files, like the millions of other Apple customers, I think he would be okay using them as long as there is no money involved directly or indirectly.

People will recognize any wallpaper he uses as coming from Mac OS 10.4, so I know it won't cause much of a stir as long as there is no money involved whatsoever.


macrumors 68040
Jul 11, 2003
Tampere, Finland
Read the OSX EULA, your answer is found from there. If it clearly states that bundled images are royalty-free, then they are and you can use them. If there is no mention of the images, then you must assume they are not and you cannot use them.
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