I just picked up a Caldigit USB 3.0 card for my 2009 Mac Pro. I tested backing up my internal hard drive using Carbon Copy Cloner with an external USB 3.0 drive. I found I am able to backup abt. 150 GB an hour on average. Does anyone have some stats with a Firewire 800 drive that I can compare with? If the speeds are close, I may want to go with a Firewire 800 drive since it is a bit annoying to have to reinstall the Caldigit USB 3.0 drivers after every OS point upgrade. It seems that Caldigit replaces the OS's USB drivers with their own so when you do an OS update, they are overwritten. You also have to wait for a driver update after Apple releases a point upgrade. If anyone can give me some actual firewire 800 statistics on a Mac, I would appreciate it.