I connected a My Passport essentials external hard drive to my imac keyboard but it didn't work. When I connected it to the back of my imac it worked fine. Does the port on the keyboard limit the amount of power going in/out? Thanks.
I connected a My Passport essentials external hard drive to my imac keyboard but it didn't work. When I connected it to the back of my imac it worked fine. Does the port on the keyboard limit the amount of power going in/out? Thanks.
Don't know what you can run in them though,everything I plug in sets a low voltage error message
Well, my new WD "My Passport" hard drive won't mount when I connect it to the USB port on the WIRED keyboard connected to my aluminium iMac G5, which is somewhat annoying. It mounts fine when I plug it into the back of the iMac though.
How do you have an aluminum G5? Aren't the aluminum iMacs only the new intel ones? this may be the reason why your hard drive isn't working. I have a power mac G5 and high voltage things wont work through my new keyboard either. it's really quite the piss off.
he mean power mac
Keyboard works fine on my set up for iPhone, iPod, and USB Drives but people come on HDD that is what FW 800 is for
Passport essentials only work with usb. It doesn't need FireWire
Well, i have a new 2009 iMac.
The ports on the keyboard (at least according to the previous posts) should work with a flash drive, or a usb hard drive.
However, they don't...