And another openfirmware related problem...
I did not know where to post this because I have never seen this issue on the web so I posted here, because I have seen some users that seem rather skilled with openfirmware and its weird undocumented quirks
. Anyways whenever I boot into openfirmware I get a usb setup error, with this giberish on the end:5c00000 80001. I ran devalias, and it detects the usb port, but not the drive, so my guess is my logic board is dead. My computer is a iBook G3, and this may be its final leg. It was so out of the blue to, it just randomly started acting up, but I guess that is how these old powerpc macs can be sometimes. Any ideas would help, I know a little about openfirmware, but not enough to go about troubleshooting this.
I did not know where to post this because I have never seen this issue on the web so I posted here, because I have seen some users that seem rather skilled with openfirmware and its weird undocumented quirks