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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Feb 21, 2020
And another openfirmware related problem...

I did not know where to post this because I have never seen this issue on the web so I posted here, because I have seen some users that seem rather skilled with openfirmware and its weird undocumented quirks :). Anyways whenever I boot into openfirmware I get a usb setup error, with this giberish on the end:5c00000 80001. I ran devalias, and it detects the usb port, but not the drive, so my guess is my logic board is dead. My computer is a iBook G3, and this may be its final leg. It was so out of the blue to, it just randomly started acting up, but I guess that is how these old powerpc macs can be sometimes. Any ideas would help, I know a little about openfirmware, but not enough to go about troubleshooting this.
It appears that way yes. My ports do not work in mac os 9. The even odder part is the fact that usb stick still gets power because the status light turns on.
It appears that way yes. My ports do not work in mac os 9. The even odder part is the fact that usb stick still gets power because the status light turns on.
Ok, huh. That's odd... I guess my diagnosis would be maybe a dying USB controller, but I'll defer to one of the more knowledgable users >.>

@z970mp , do you have any ideas?
Ok, huh. That's odd... I guess my diagnosis would be maybe a dying USB controller, but I'll defer to one of the more knowledgable users >.>

I was hoping it was not busted. Oh well. Thanks for your help @RogerWilco6502. I will see what other users say, although I have a feeling it may be along the same lines.
Couple of shots in the dark here...

1. I would try zeroing out the drive to ensure that you're working with an absolutely clean slate. OF is known for its fickleness at times, so this may not necessarily be an irrelevant question, especially if this particular version has issues with this.

2. While turned off, try cleaning the drive ports on your iBook with a toothbrush and rubbing alcohol. Make sure it dries fully before trying again. It is not at all out of the question if one of the data contacts on either your drive or iBook ports got corroded or gunked somehow, and as a result the drive is only able to receive power and nothing else.

3. Run from OF 'reset-nvram', 'set-defaults', and 'reset-all'. Also, try performing a PMU reset.

Other than that, I'm remiss for suggestions. Open Firmware is such an infamously labyrinthine environment, even the Wiki won't likely cover everything when it's done.

Anyway, let me know how that works. If it's still no good, my best guess is that one of the solder legs on the motherboard's USB ports may have come loose. I've seen things to that effect happen before.
Thanks, I will try these out and let you know how they go. If none of them work I will probably open it up and check the legs like you said. It is likely I probaly broke a leg when I went in there to fix the display inverter.
@z970mp I think it is a hardware issue, where do you think I should check internally for the issue? If it is even a fixable thing.
@PowerPcboi I would start with getting as good a view as you can of the USB port in question, and then inspecting its underside for any disconnected legs. If you find that to indeed be the case, what I would personally do is just place the leg root back onto the severed surface (making sure there are no gaps within the connection), and then just hot glue the sides together to securely hold it in place. It's easier and less risky that way than trying to solder it back to the logic board.

If you really want to be sure, you may even have to remove the motherboard entirely so you can at least manipulate it to a desirable working angle.
@z970mp Thanks for the advise, I will take a look around, both USB ports are dead so it is either a really destroyed IO or a dead controller.
A little update, I found out that the PRAM battery is dead, do you think this could effect the USB ports? I do not think it is leaking but I am not sure. I also installed OSX 10.4.11, still no luck. Although the usbs appear to be recognized in system profilier, and they power on devices that use only power and do not use the data pins (ie a laptop cooler).
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