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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Nov 22, 2020
Hello - after numerous web searches and contacting apple's own technical support, i'm hoping the community here might be able to provide some more insight into this issue. Either i'm missing something obvious on my settings or something else odd is happening.

Iphone 6s, ios 14.0.1 (issue has persisted through previous versions as well)

Issue: iPhone does not establish link or charge when connected via USB to computer (osx or windows)*. USB controller on my mac confirms that it does not see any device even when physically connected. Upon connecting the usb cable, the phone does occasionally (not in every case) flash a message to unlock in order to connect device. However unlocking, or connecting while unlocked does not resolve the issue.

Charge port on the phone is clean. Have tested with multiple USB ports, and cables, including apple certified. The phone DOES charge normally when connected to any other source (wall cube, car, other usb charging devices).

Unfortunately i'm not sure when this began thought its been a while, i would guess approximately a year +/-. The phone has not taken any water damage or major physical damage to my knowledge (the rare fall from standing height or off the counter, with protective case.)

*Curiously, if the phone is OFF when connected, it will boot up with the apple logo and fully turn on - it does not show charge indicator as it normally would, but it seems to just automatically turn on. Once on, no charge or connection is established.

Additional details:

Possible related issue is a non-working flashlight\camera flash, though this hasn't worked long before experiencing the current problem.

Wireless, touch screen, battery, cellular, camera (except flash) and everything else seem to work as expected.

Tristar ic was replaced several years ago, well before this problem popped up - could be related but timing wise these events don't coincide.

Online Apple associate that tried to help suggested logic board, but i don't seem to be experiencing other common logic board issues from what i've read. No other tests have been done yet.

So there you go, if anyone has knowledge of this, or can suggest next steps that would be much appreciated!

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