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macrumors newbie
Original poster
May 7, 2023

I got gifted an iMac 2013 21.5 14,1 8GB and thanks to this forum, I updated the OS with OCLP and added an external SSD : SAMSUNG T7 1000 GB

I am looking to have different back-up of my files (outside of iCloud and the standard weekly Back-up), could I simply use a SDXC card to store them ? Is any card I see now on Amazon compatible ?
Would it be okay to leave it in the slot permanently ?

(Sorry, pls explain me like I'm 5, thank you)


macrumors Penryn
Feb 20, 2009
I wouldn't rely on an SD card as a backup.
Not that it won't work, but SD cards can be flaky at times.
You would be better served by a hard drive of some kind. More reliable.

For example, a 2.5" platter-based drive (I'd recommend Toshiba or HGST) and a 2.5" USB3 enclosure like this:
(they just snap together).

Then use a cloning app like SuperDuper (free to do a "full clone") or CarbonCopyCloner to create and maintain the backup.

How much space are you currently using on the Samsung SSD?
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