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macrumors 68000
Original poster
Nov 24, 2009
So the option to "use all as f1, f2, etc as standard keys" in system preferences is GONE. Destroyed. Vanished. I'm running the supplemental update on 10.8.2.

I get no check box and I know how to FIND it, and i know where it WAS.

I just noticed today btw because I went to turn in on for a game. It could have been removed in ML or a .1 or 2 release. But I think not, i googled it and it still is there for at least 10.8.
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So the option to "use all as f1, f2, etc as standard keys" in system preferences is GONE. Destroyed. Vanished. I'm running the supplemental update on 10.8.2.

I get no check box and I know how to FIND it, and i know where it WAS.

I just noticed today btw because I went to turn in on for a game. It could have been removed in ML or a .1 or 2 release. But I think not, i googled it and it still is there for at least 10.8.

It's still there for me: System Preferences/Keyboard, keyboard tab, first checkbox.
I guess i'll have to wait till 10.8.3 to get this resolved.
What keyboard have you hooked up to your Mac?

Razer Blackwidow ultimate. I'm sure i saw the keys with it plugged in. Yes, definitely, iv'e had the keyboard for four months and i never saw this till two days ago. I don't think it's related. thanks though.

What do you mean with 10.8.3? Since it's there in 10.8.2, there's no possibility of it "coming back" in 10.8.3. It never went away.

Woah, dude you have some comprehension problems. When i said it was gone i meant for me not everyone else.

Anyway, sometimes things like this get fixed when you update it, maybe apple will do some fixing to system preferences. Resume, Notifications and the save prompt (when checked or unchecked) are not working in there for me.
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Razer Blackwidow ultimate. I'm sure i saw the keys with it plugged in. Yes, definitely, iv'e had the keyboard for four months and i never saw this till two days ago. I don't think it's related. thanks though.
It actually is :) Four months ago you probably weren't running 10.8 but 10.7. They changed it in 10.8 apparently (it could have been the same in earlier versions but I recall seeing the option with my 10.7 installation). I've seen it happen with my Filco keyboard. The second I hook up my Apple keyboard the missing option is restored. I'm using that keyboard with KeyMap4MacBook which is a very nice tool.
Woah, dude you have some comprehension problems. When i said it was gone i meant for me not everyone else.

Look who's talking about comprehension problems. Aren't you the fellow who's using a non-standard keyboard and, as a result, an option that appears with standard keyboards has gone missing? Didn't you say you hoped the option would "return" in 10.8.3? How so? Still using a non-standard keyboard? Looks like a serious comprehension problem, dude. Woah!
It actually is :) Four months ago you probably weren't running 10.8 but 10.7. They changed it in 10.8 apparently (it could have been the same in earlier versions but I recall seeing the option with my 10.7 installation). I've seen it happen with my Filco keyboard. The second I hook up my Apple keyboard the missing option is restored. I'm using that keyboard with KeyMap4MacBook which is a very nice tool.

Thanks dude trust apple to remove these things. i just tried it and your right. The option is restored when plugged in. Does KeyMap4Macbook bring back this option for third party keyboards?
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