If you order the iPad with 3G and you already have wireless service with Verizon and don't want to pay extra for AT&T, you can use a program called PDANET and "tether" for free. That means you can get high speed internet anywhere there is a signal. And since it's tethered with no root access required, you are not limited to 5gb per month. It is unlimited. I use this with my Droid and it works perfectly. And I pay nothing for it beyond the $30 data charge every month. Verizon wanted me to pay $59 a month plus a host of insane taxes for accessing 5GB of data usage monthly. Forget that.
I don't think the current generation iPhone is tether capable so all of you iPhone carriers are out of luck. Perhaps the new iPhone coming out will allow for it.
I don't think the current generation iPhone is tether capable so all of you iPhone carriers are out of luck. Perhaps the new iPhone coming out will allow for it.