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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Sep 1, 2017
I am using my iPhone 7 for product photography. The iPhone is clamped in a bracket and that makes it hard to use. Also when it is set up and level I don't want to disturb it.

I would like to remote control the iPhone 7 to use the spirit level, camera and camera apps. I'd also like switch from one app to another. Ideally I want to do this by driving the iPhone 7 from another device (my old iPhone 5S, or an iPad, or Windows laptop).

That means I'm not just after remote firing the shutter, or air play, or mirroring (I don't just want to share a picture of what's on the other screen), and really I would like to do more than pair the phones within a single app, like Photo Plus. I'd like to control the whole phone, remotely.

I promise I am not trying to take over the world, just want to be able to use my own kit, on my own wireless network.

Anyone know of any apps or ways I can make this happen?


macrumors 601
Sep 16, 2014
Short answer, definitely not.

Longer answer.
There’s no app that could do all of that, Apple simply don’t allow it. One app can interact with another instance of the same app on a different device, but that’s the limit, we don’t get the kind of access that would allow control of the system and we likely never will.

Such a thing may be possible if the devices were jail broken, well in theory, I don’t know if anyone’s actually done it yet. And then of course you’re into the whole, having a device that can be jail broken, not updating to the latest iOS because it won’t be jail broken and so on and so on.


macrumors Penryn
Aug 31, 2011
Such a thing may be possible if the devices were jail broken, well in theory, I don’t know if anyone’s actually done it yet. And then of course you’re into the whole, having a device that can be jail broken, not updating to the latest iOS because it won’t be jail broken and so on and so on.
Yes, you can do this jailbroken.

You put both devices on the same WiFi. Install Veency on the device you want to control and then install a VNC viewer app on the other device. Connect via VNC.

However, while possible, controlling one iDevice this way from another iDevice is tricky.

But stock…no option at all.


macrumors newbie
Sep 12, 2018
Yes, you can use iPhone to remotely control another one using some popular tools such as R-HUB on-premises secure remote support servers for PC/Mac/Mobiles (iPhone, Android), teamviewer, logmein, etc.
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