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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Aug 16, 2017
Hi, i have a 13 inch 2012 MB, the fan is broken and in my city there isn't any shop where I can fixt it.
I only use it for things like word, for taking notes or powerpoint and web browsing.
The temperatures of the Mac are around 65º to 75º celsius. In web browsing about 60º.
I am wondering if I can use it without the fan for those things because I don't have the money for a new logic board or to send it somewhere outside my town.


macrumors 601
Feb 17, 2008
Fort Worth, Texas
If you keep using it without proper ventilation (broken fan) there's a chance that you will incur more damage to the machine. You can try repairing the MacBook Pro yourself. There are many parts distributers for Macs in the US (don't know about your country) that maybe you could obtain parts from. You can look up the instructions for replacing the fan at Bottom line... I would not use it without a working fan.
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macrumors 68040
Sep 2, 2006
United States
Air circulation is critical to the computer. It needs its cooling.

Macs generally have the mechanism to protect themselves by shutting off if the heat levels exceed their safe operation. But you shouldn’t rely on that.

If you’re skilled enough, or confident enough to follow guides and replace the part yourself, then that’s an option if you’re prepared to assume the risk of damaging it further.

Another option I’ve used, and definitely a hack... I’ve wired fans to be powered from the USB port, and had them run full speed. Then glued or screwed them to the exhaust port on the outside of a case.

That works if it’s a fan that pulls enough air through the spot in question.

It’s an ugly hack. But it works if done right.

Generally, I’ve done this where I put too much inside a case and needed more air flow through an area that previously had no air flow. I build unique stuff sometimes that requires alterations to original designs.

But, that method could in theory work in your situation if you don’t feel skilled enough to open the machine, but are comfortable with an ugly bandaid.

Obviously, anything you do on your own is at your own risk. These are just how I might do it in your position. Not a recommendation that you should.


macrumors 6502
May 9, 2018
You might be able to put it in front of an air conditioner vent and have the AC running at full blast to keep it cool.
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