well it has input and i put it to pc but it says "no signal" i think theres something i have to do on the actual computer.
What kind of TV - analog or digital?
make sure the tv is on the right input
on the computer, go to sys prefs and go to displays and try hitting "detect displays"
go into system prefs>displays and click the "detect" button se what you get. Also check you res
the tv says it's on the pc source but it shows up no signal.
when i click detect displays two screens do show up that say "imac" and "haier" which is my tv, but nothing shows up on the tv screen.
what does my res be?
my guess is that you dont have your tv on the right input. most tv's have quite a few inputs
just set it to the max it allows you to
now i really must of messed things up, i clicked turn off mirroring and now there's nothing on my tv and my computer has nothing except this webpage everything is gone from my desktop.
Holy crap what are you doing? This is so easy a well trained monkey could do it.......
First: What type of Mac do you have?
Second: What type of TV do you have? Either a HDTV (LCD, Plasma, DLP) or SDTV (CRT)
Third: What type of cable are you trying to use? (VGA, Component, DVI, HDMI, Composite, S-Video) and What adaptors are you using?
I think one of the problems is that your trying to use a analog connection instead of a digital.
imac pro
Haier HDTV
i don't know what kind of cable it is, except that it's a 2 sided monitor cable with an attachment to use it for a mac
the computer actually showed up for like a second on the tv screen i just don't know what i did.
By "iMac Pro" I'm going to assume you mean that you have either a aluminum iMac or white iMac..
Anyways, Do you happen to have a camera? You could take pictures of the inputs on your TV and the cables you are trying to use. If you don't have a camera then at least take a picture of the cable your trying to use with your iSight camera. Then upload them and we can decide what is going on here and/or what you need to accomplish this.
Ok That's a VGA cable with a Mini-DVI to VGA adapter. I'm assuming your TV has the same exact input on your TV (The blue connector)?
I think one of the problems is that your using a analog connection between the TV and your mac OR your sending a unsupported resolution to your TV.
When you connect your mac to your TV (make sure you have the correct TV input selected) then under system preferences click "detect displays".
What happens?
under system preferences ------> displays -------> resolutions:
What available resolutions are there?
Let's start small say:
720 x 480
1024 x 768
1280 x 720
1366 x 768
What happens when you try to select these? I don't know but it may help to click detect displays in between each resolution and/ or turn off your TV in between.
If this doesn't work then I would suggest you get one of these: Mini DVI to HDMI and one of these: HDMI cable depending on how long of a cable you need.
imac pro
Haier HDTV
i don't know what kind of cable it is, except that it's a 2 sided monitor cable with an attachment to use it for a mac
the computer actually showed up for like a second on the tv screen i just don't know what i did.