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macrumors 6502a
Original poster

I'm looking to upgrade from 30D this summer, and for what I've got budgeted, I can either get a new Canon 40D or a used (nearly new) Canon EOS 1DS body?

It may be a dumb question, but where am I better off putting my money?

Most of my pictures are high school sports and nature, if that makes a difference in the decision.



macrumors 6502a
Mar 15, 2005
My money's on the 40D overall.. I do love my 1D series bodies they are built like tanks but the 1Ds is a fairly old model and its really been dwarfed over a couple times by the current Canon offerings (in terms of speed, ISO performance etc).


Sep 11, 2008
The 40d will be the better sports camera imo because of the reach and the more forgiving dof of the crop sensor. A gripped 40 can mimic the ergonomics of the 1d. Live view will be fantastic for composing shots and checking focus. I really miss the feature now that I shoot with the 5d.

Full frame = sexyness if you shoot like to shoot wide open/at night.

-40d (~700 used). I would get this if you shoot more sports than nature, and have alot of efs glass.
-1d I would only get this camera if you can't find a cheap 5d and still want to go full frame.


macrumors regular
Aug 24, 2008
Thanks Sangosimo!

I don't think I'll find a 5D in my price range that hasn't been beaten to death... ;)

I think I'll keep an eye out though but will lean towards the 40D


I just picked up a slightly used (4000 shutter actuations) 40D w/ the kit lens (the 28-135 USM) on ebay for just a smidge over 700. Great camera.


macrumors 65816
May 18, 2007
Yeah, unless you've got a really good reason to need a FF body, you'd be better off with the 40D. The 1Ds, while it's still a great camera, keep in mind that it came out in 2002. The 40D will come close, if not out perform the 1Ds IQ wise, while giving you a much faster frame rate, a bigger lcd, live view, ect, the only real disadvantage in my mind is the smaller viewfinder.

If you've really got the urge to go FF, take a look at the 5D, it might cost you a little more, but the jump in a generation of FF sensors really did make a huge difference.


macrumors 65816
Apr 7, 2005
Alpine, UT
The 40D would beat the 1Ds is pretty much every category except it's not FF and the AF. That's the only strength the 1Ds will have anymore. A professional friend of mine bought the 1Ds when he made the jump from film to digital for business, and actually had a very difficult time with it. His circa 2003 Powershot had more spot on color than his 1Ds could give him - kinda bugged him.

That aside, the 40D has Digic III (so MUCH better noise handling), better screen, LiveView, probably a faster burst etc.

You're better off hunting for a Mark I 5D if you want to go FF in that budget, just save a little bit more.


macrumors 6502
May 9, 2007
I went through almost the same situation as you(coming from a 30D too). Although I was considering a 1D II/IIN instead of the 40D.

In the end I decided to wait a bit to go fullframe(or close to it), get a new 40D and enjoy having a brand new camera with a new warranty(big plus in my book), bigger screen, fast fps, liveview(although it's usefulness is rather limited) and less noise.

Compared to my 30D the 40D is not a "WOW" experience but all the small improvements together make this camera really great. The thing I like the most about this camera is the software and the way the menus are navigated. Oh, and the 3 Custom Setting positions on the top left dial. Those two features have been a 'lifesaver' for me in many situations.

The only real downside to this camera is the really old AF system and the fact that it's not fullframe. Otherwise it's a great camera. And you can't beat the value you'll get for your money.


macrumors 68020
Oct 14, 2008
if i were you, i would USE the money that you are spending on the 40D and buy some nice glass! The glass is going to make a LOT more difference than 2MP and maybe slightly faster AF and FPS. I could see it maybe worth it going from a 30D to a 50D (almost 2 1/2 years technology advancements, as canon updates the bodies at about an 18 month cycle).

I had a 30D (and 20D) and the difference between them wasn't that much. I just think you will get way better results with better glass. Pick up a 10-22 or a 17-55 or a 24-105...

and far as noise, the noise levels on the 30D are really low. I have never had a problem with noise, but again i use a tripod a lot of the times.


macrumors 68000
May 14, 2002
Where am I???

I'm looking to upgrade from 30D this summer, and for what I've got budgeted, I can either get a new Canon 40D or a used (nearly new) Canon EOS 1DS body?

It may be a dumb question, but where am I better off putting my money?

Most of my pictures are high school sports and nature, if that makes a difference in the decision.


30D to 40D is a very small upgrade. Buy glass instead. If you really have to buy a body, get a used 5D.


macrumors 6502
Jun 16, 2004
30D to 40D is a very small upgrade. Buy glass instead. If you really have to buy a body, get a used 5D.

+1. Buy glass or save your pennies until you can make the leap to FF without cheaping out on a knackered 7 year old body.


macrumors 6502a
Apr 29, 2006
Laguna Niguel, CA
I think for what you shoot I would hands down go for the 40D.
The original 1Ds, while still a great camera, just can't keep up with today's cameras. It has killer AF sure, but you're limited to 3FPS, it's higher ISO is nowhere near the quality of even the 40D, let alone the original 5D. Plus you will not get live view (if that matters) and a much smaller, less sharp LCD (if that matters.

I've owned the original 1Ds and it was a brilliant studio camera, and awesome for landscapes and travel photography. I would not recommend it for the application you've mentioned.

Next, the original 5D. Great camera, seriously, it's just a bargain for the image quality you get. But it is S L O W. I've tried shooting sports with it and it's a nightmare. I bought the original 5D when it came out and it was companion (and eventual replacement to) my 1Ds. It is most excellent for portraiture and landscape photography, but not sports. Slow AF, and Slow FPS.

If you could be so lucky to find a used 1DmkII for your budget it would be the best bang for the buck for sure! I traded my 1Ds for a 1DmkII and that camera is just BLAZINGLY fast. But it's unlikely you would find one for that cheap that wasn't beat to all hell.

I'm currently shooting with a 5DmkII (gripped) and a 40D (gripped) I just picked up the 40D w/ the battery grip for $750 (it had about 7.5k on the shutter) It's been excellent for high school volleyball, and I'm going to shoot a concert with it tonight (along with my 5D)

I think for the value, the 40D would be a worthwhile upgrade for you. You can get it for a reasonable price, and it's suitable to handle most any type of photography.


macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Thanks for all the replies.

Obsidian I do shoot a lot of volleyball, thanks let me know how it does at the concert.

The reviews for the 40D have been excellent, while the 50D reviews have not been so great...

Good comments on the 1DS, I need a faster camera, especially shooting in low light for High School football and poorly lit gyms for volleyball and wrestling.

Thanks for all the help!



macrumors member
May 14, 2002
Upstate NY
Keep the 30D and get glass.

If you were coming from a 10D, I'd say get a new body (assuming you already have decent lenses) but from the 30D?

(I actually went from a 300D (Digital Rebel) to the 40D and it was a huge step up; I got a killer deal when Circuit City closed earlier this year...)


macrumors 6502a
Sep 14, 2003
Bay Area
Keep the 30D and get more glass

I have the 30D and a single generation upgrade isn't really worth it. If you were upgrading to a 60D (not out yet) it would make sense. For 700 you can get some nice glass in the mean time.
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