Used iPhone 7 is selling dirt cheap now, even iPhone 8 is selling around 200CAD.
So for 300ish collards, I picked up 128GB iPhone 7 and 64GB iPhone 8.
Same price, will get brand new Moto G Power (Price in Canada).
This made me wonder, why would any one pick up new Android phone, when iPhone 7 and iPhone 8 are selling at cheap and it is best way to get iOS experience.
It is true that Moto G power has high resolution display, that’s all about it. The CPU is no where near Apple’s A11, iOS 14 is still running beautifully on both iPhone 7 and iPhone 8.
I have both Moto G Power and iPhone 7. I feel even 5 years old iPhone 7 is faster than brand new Moto G Power.
So, for bargain hunters, what do you prefer? Used iPhone or brand new entry level Android?
So for 300ish collards, I picked up 128GB iPhone 7 and 64GB iPhone 8.
Same price, will get brand new Moto G Power (Price in Canada).
This made me wonder, why would any one pick up new Android phone, when iPhone 7 and iPhone 8 are selling at cheap and it is best way to get iOS experience.
It is true that Moto G power has high resolution display, that’s all about it. The CPU is no where near Apple’s A11, iOS 14 is still running beautifully on both iPhone 7 and iPhone 8.
I have both Moto G Power and iPhone 7. I feel even 5 years old iPhone 7 is faster than brand new Moto G Power.
So, for bargain hunters, what do you prefer? Used iPhone or brand new entry level Android?