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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Jun 2, 2008
I recently got a job with T-Mobile and the obvious choice was to switch my service over. I have noticed that the service on my iPhone will go from full service to no service in the same location. When I make a call from my iPhone with no service it goes through sometimes:

Everything else works out really well just have some service issues, any thoughts?
I don't get why people who modify their iPhones to work on a different carrier are confused when it doesn't work properly. :confused:

Of course, I'd rather see it be available from any carrier but that is beside the point.
I was just curious if it was a common problem with the iPhone on the T-Mobile network that could be troubleshot so if you want to add helpful advie that would be wonderful. :rolleyes:
It's nothing to do with the Iphone. All phones do this. Maybe that's a special area where two services meet or something. Some weird anomaly. Sometimes my Tmobile iPhone says USA - Extended Network and wont switch back until I restart the phone.
Thanks onlycopunk. so it doesn't effect the service at all, its just displaying incorrectly?
It's jsut displaying incorrecty. No wif it said no service where there should be service and wasn't working, I would be concerned. But there is no chance that Pwnage tool would be causing that malfunction.
as long as you can make call. It could be that you are slightly out of reach compared to the cell tower location.

Also in the spring some GSM cell site have to be retuned because in the spring trees and things cause signal strength to weaken compared to fall. Once I had no service in my bedroom, but I did have service in the living room. I had a RAZR.

After I complained, a week later they sent some techs to check it out and since then, I have had very good reception in my apartment.

Maybe you could mention it to customer service.
everything works fine on my t-mo iphone i get good signals and 150/200kbs EDGE mostly in my area..what settings do you have/installed?
Thanks for all the response. An yes technojinn, T-mobile is really good at making sure we get service to your area, which is one reason why we have the number one customer service for a cellular carrier. As for PACMAC's question, the only thing that I have changed is the EDGE setting to
ok uninstall any t-zones hacks if your using a 19.99 data plan..the WAP.VOICESTREAM.COM is only for 5.99/9.99 data plan..if you have 19.99 data plan put this on EDGE settings ''''..

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