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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Jun 3, 2009
I want to use my IPhone 3G as a phone and only the WiFi. I no longer use it in my business and am not willing to pay AT&T $30.00 for unlimited Data. I read some where that I could do this from Airplane mode, but my phone does not allow this. Are the GPS and other apps counted as Data?
You can turn off all data and still use Wi-Fi by enabling airplane mode and then going to the option for Wi-Fi and turning it back on.

It won't help you with your bill, though. AT&T requires a data plan with the iPhone 3G, whether you use it or not. Some users reported that they were able to get AT&T to cancel the data plan for their first generation iPhones. I'm not sure that works any longer from some reports I've read, but the first generation iPhone was not subsidized by AT&T, so they were not recovering their costs by the contract charges for service.

GPS isn't counted as data, but it won't work in airplane mode. Not sure what other apps you are referring to, but things like Google Maps work with Wi-Fi.
Doesn't airplane mode not allow for calls to be made either?
Oops! Forgot that one. You are correct - you can't make or receive calls in airplane mode. That's one of the reasons for it. Airplane mode turns off all the radios so that you can use the applications without violating airline rules. This includes the cell phone radio, Bluetooth, and GPS.
if you go into settings - general - network and turn off data roaming that'll stop safari, email etc from downloading any data.

don't use airplane mode, you can enable wi-fi with roaming off.
if you go into settings - general - network and turn off data roaming that'll stop safari, email etc from downloading any data.
That only prevents data transfer when you're "abroad". That is, when you're not connected via your local provider.
The iPhone is designed to be a wireless device that is able to keep you connected. The ability to turn off data use completely, when every phone is supposed to have a data plan, makes no sense. So why would Apple include that ability?
GPS isn't counted as data, but it won't work in airplane mode. Not sure what other apps you are referring to, but things like Google Maps work with Wi-Fi.

GPS isn't counted as data? Is this true? Meaning that those of us without data plans (... don't ask...) can freely use GPS?
No Sims

Thanks for all your inputs. I have found out it works with all apps without a Sims card. I will talk on cheap phone and use IPhone like an I touch. Please send anymore tips that comes up.
GPS isn't counted as data? Is this true? Meaning that those of us without data plans (... don't ask...) can freely use GPS?
GPS isn't counted as data, or at least I should say the GPS receiver will work when you are overseas and data roaming is turned off. But you will not be able to see Google maps or web sites, which do require data. So all you have is GPS working without relating to anything you can see.

In the US - or where ever your home is - I don't see how to turn data off because you won't be roaming.

There are a bunch of street maps for various cities appearing in the App Store that store the maps on your device. Some of them let you use GPS while data roaming is off to locate yourself on the stored map. I also have PlaceTagger for my iPhone, which records GPS coordinates and time for use later to correlate with photographs. That works with data roaming off while I am overseas, but no maps display.
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