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macrumors newbie
Original poster
May 19, 2006
I am helping a friend get connected with his cable modem and a wireless network. I expect that somewhere along in the process I may have to insert an installation CD for the cable modem service (maybe not), and/or a CD for the wireless network setup. My question is, how do I get the CD to play on a Powerbook using, I presume, OS X?

I am a Windows user, not a Mac user.

Also, my friend showed me six or seven icons on his desktop that he wants to delete. How do we delete unwanted icons?

Thanks so much.
Okay, well the first question's pretty broad but all of your problems should be solved by connecting to the router and then navigating to its IP address through a browser (Safari or Firefox or whatever).

As for deleting icons, it depends what they are... If they're aliases (little black arrow on the icon) then just drag them to the Trash and then empty it. Before dragging anything there though, tell us what you want to delete. Maybe take a screenshot by holding COMMAND-****-3 down (where COMMAND is the button with an Apple on it). :)
mad jew said:
Maybe take a screenshot by holding COMMAND-****-3 down (where COMMAND is the button with an Apple on it). :)

He means command-shift-3, but probably forgot the "f" in "shift.

If he is certain he wants to delete the "icons" (are they files? applications?) it works almost exactly the same way it does in windows. Drag them to the trash can at the bottom of the screen. Microsoft, after all, stole that idea from Apple.
Thank you!

I clear on deleting the icons now. Thanks.

But I need to know about how to use a CD on the Powerbook. On my Windows computer I put the CD in the CD drive. Then, if it doesn't start automatically, I click on MY COMPUTER and then click on the CD Drive. I see what's on the CD in the drive and click on it to start it. How does that work with the Powerbook and OS X?

Thanks again.
Dejola said:
I clear on deleting the icons now. Thanks.

But I need to know about how to use a CD on the Powerbook. On my Windows computer I put the CD in the CD drive. Then, if it doesn't start automatically, I click on MY COMPUTER and then click on the CD Drive. I see what's on the CD in the drive and click on it to start it. How does that work with the Powerbook and OS X?

Thanks again.
It works the same way on OS X. When you put the CD in the drive it will show up on the desktop. You can then double click on it to open it.
However, a configuration CD for windows won't work on OSX.
Thanks, Skubish.

skubish said:
It works the same way on OS X. When you put the CD in the drive it will show up on the desktop. You can then double click on it to open it.
However, a configuration CD for windows won't work on OSX.

:) I appreciate your help.
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