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macrumors member
Original poster
Jul 20, 2010
Can you use a wifi iPad on a plane? xD as on thomas cook flight, they always say turn all wifi devices off.
Just turn off your iPad until they say it's okay to use electronics.

Or you could always just use Airplane Mode. Obviously, you won't have cellular data, wifi, bluetooth, gps, etc., but you can still play games, listen to music, whatever.
Can you use a wifi iPad on a plane? xD as on thomas cook flight, they always say turn all wifi devices off.

Switch it into Airplane Mode when the cabin door closes (unless you have in-flight WiFi) and keep it in sleep mode for 1st (and last) 10 minutes. Otherwise, have at it. It's my go-to device on planes these days.
Switch it into Airplane Mode when the cabin door closes (unless you have in-flight WiFi) and keep it in sleep mode for 1st (and last) 10 minutes. Otherwise, have at it. It's my go-to device on planes these days.

I've always been scared to use an laptop on a place ect incase like it causes it crash, :D but i think i'll use my ipad just to watch movies on a 10 hour flight to mexico in september
I've always been scared to use an laptop on a place ect incase like it causes it crash, :D but i think i'll use my ipad just to watch movies on a 10 hour flight to mexico in september

If your plane is crashing, you're not going to be worrying about your iPad's safety.
I've always been scared to use an laptop on a place ect incase like it causes it crash, :D but i think i'll use my ipad just to watch movies on a 10 hour flight to mexico in september

If normal electronic devices could take down a plane then all our security checks are for naught. Just keep them off for the first 10 minutes, pay attention to the safety demonstration (for the 199th time) and then power on.
WiFi devices are not a problem. Some planes even have routers so you can use the internet during the flight.
I was on an Easyjet flight last week. The safety announcement stated to turn OFF all electronic devices (even ones with flight mode) while the seat belt sign was on. Apart from that, fair game!
there is about .000001% chance that portable electronic devices today will cause interference in modern navigation systems....

however, the FAA is unwilling to spend the amount of time and money necessary to certify every single device for operation in every circumstance and every nav system configuration. if you read the federal regulations, it reads that all portable devices are banned EXCEPT where the carrier or the pilot in command has determined that they will not interfere.

so, ultimately, I think it is simply a matter of economics and caution that these devices are banned during takeoff and landing (the most critical phases) and during cruise flight, there are enough redundant navigation systems to mitigate that .000001% (assuming of course it is not the pilots using the portable devices :) )
there is about .000001% chance that portable electronic devices today will cause interference in modern navigation systems....

however, the FAA is unwilling to spend the amount of time and money necessary to certify every single device for operation in every circumstance and every nav system configuration. if you read the federal regulations, it reads that all portable devices are banned EXCEPT where the carrier or the pilot in command has determined that they will not interfere.

so, ultimately, I think it is simply a matter of economics and caution that these devices are banned during takeoff and landing (the most critical phases) and during cruise flight, there are enough redundant navigation systems to mitigate that .000001% (assuming of course it is not the pilots using the portable devices :) )

Do you really believe that in this age of heightened paranoia about bringing matches or liquids on a plane they would risk having an electronic device on board if it posed any threat???

If it was that easy then any potential terrorist could take a plane down without breaking a sweat. The ONLY reason for the warning is that most "mishaps" occur at takeoff and landing and they don't want any distractions from (or obstacles to) a quick and orderly exit.
You need a case with a stand (I use the apple stand), and you still needs to make sure it doesn't tip due to aircraft movements.
Interference - phooey!

Like most folks who fly in corporate or private planes, I use electronic devices and mobile phones regularly, during take off and landing and during flight. Both the aeroplane manufacturer and the pilots are perfectly comfortable with this. I cannot believe that the electronics on a Gulfstream are any better shielded than a Boeing or Airbus. It is just another example of the airlines and the authorities trying to treat us passengers like cattle.
Used my iPad 32gb (wifi only, not 3G) on a Virgin Atlantic flight on Saturday from Orlando to the UK with no problems at all. There was no wifi on the flight though :(

Just pay attention to the safety checks.
The only reason why they say to turn electronic devices off and the tray tables up is because if there is an emergency you can put yourself in the brace position. With windows as well, they are kept open so people can see into the cabin to see if you are moving after a crash so people are aware you are there to try and help you.
It is just another example of the airlines and the authorities trying to treat us passengers like cattle.

As I and others have pointed out, it's for safety concerns. Most accidents occur while taxiing, followed by descent and then takeoff. During those times they want clear egress and full attention of the passengers. You and I may be on full alert, but too many times I've been seated next to a dick with 2 or 3 devices out, treating his laptop tray like an in-flight office, with his elbows banging away at me while he types. If that guy is on an aisle, he's a hazard for me and you should we be seated in his row. Common sense says keep it stowed until we're in the air or as we approach for landing.
I've always used my iPhone and iPod's on planes with no issues (just stick on airplane mode). As people have said, it's generally not allowed on for the first ten minutes, depends on the airline really...
The reason they tell you not to use electronic devices in the beginning and ending of a flight has absolutely nothing to do with interference or danger to the plane.

The reason they do this is that statistically, if anything is going to go wrong on a flight, it's in the first 5 minutes or the last 5 minutes, so they want everyone to be alert and paying attention just in case.

They just don't say that because it would freak people out.

(I used to date a flight attendant. That's my source.)
The reason they tell you not to use electronic devices in the beginning and ending of a flight has absolutely nothing to do with interference or danger to the plane.

The reason they do this is that statistically, if anything is going to go wrong on a flight, it's in the first 5 minutes or the last 5 minutes, so they want everyone to be alert and paying attention just in case.

They just don't say that because it would freak people out.

(I used to date a flight attendant. That's my source.)

I don't disagree with the point about accidents and there is a certain air of validity to your reasoning, but if that were the real reason, the FARs (Federal Aviation Regulations, my source) would be written to reflect that...they are not, they are written to place the responsibility for clearing electronic devices for use and noninterference on the carriers and pilots

EDIT: Actually, we're probably all right. The FAA established the baseline guidance which says no use at all unless the carrier or pilot has determined non-interference and the carriers established their own guidance regarding the takeoff/landing phases for other reasons.
It worked awesome for me from Nashville to L.A. and back and then in the car all the way down to West Palm.

Just follow when to turn off electronic devices and you're golden.
I've always used my iPhone and iPod's on planes with no issues (just stick on airplane mode). As people have said, it's generally not allowed on for the first ten minutes, depends on the airline really...

In the US, they state first & last 10 minutes. In reality, they do not base it on time. Instead they base it on altitude, requesting electionics to be off below FL180 (18,000').

I find iPad an awesome stuff to play with for spending more than 10+ hours in airplane. There are many things to do - games, movies, music, books, or even jotting down notes. After the plane takes off, iPad is my best buddy :)
I don't disagree with the point about accidents and there is a certain air of validity to your reasoning, but if that were the real reason, the FARs (Federal Aviation Regulations, my source) would be written to reflect that...they are not, they are written to place the responsibility for clearing electronic devices for use and noninterference on the carriers and pilots

EDIT: Actually, we're probably all right. The FAA established the baseline guidance which says no use at all unless the carrier or pilot has determined non-interference and the carriers established their own guidance regarding the takeoff/landing phases for other reasons.

The primary reason is they don't want people distracted during take-off and
landing... otherwise they wouldn't make you turn off your iPod (no radio),
but they don't ask you to take off your headphones if you're plugged into the
in-flight entertainment system (the intercom overrides the audio).

If interference issues were the primary concern, then they would inspect
devices to make sure they were turned off or they would have some sort of
method for RF detection. I've left my phone on in my bag plenty of times
and I'm sure I'm not the only one.

Oddly, the instructions for in-flight wifi on Delta include instructions
on how to connect with an iPhone... a device that does not let you turn off
the cell radio independent of the wifi radio.

Besides episode 49 of Mythbusters covered the "Cell phones disrupt airplane
navigation" myth :D
Oddly, the instructions for in-flight wifi on Delta include instructions
on how to connect with an iPhone... a device that does not let you turn off
the cell radio independent of the wifi radio.

Actually you can. Turn on airplane mode, and then go turn on your wifi. It will give you wifi with cell phone signal.
Like most folks who fly in corporate or private planes, I use electronic devices and mobile phones regularly, during take off and landing and during flight. Both the aeroplane manufacturer and the pilots are perfectly comfortable with this. I cannot believe that the electronics on a Gulfstream are any better shielded than a Boeing or Airbus. It is just another example of the airlines and the authorities trying to treat us passengers like cattle.

This deserves more love. If only because he managed to shoehorn a Gulfstream reference in where it didn't really fit.
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