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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Nov 21, 2015
Munich, Germany
Hi! I have an Early 2015 MBP 13", and soon will be upgrading my original Apple SSD (128GB) with a XPG SX8200 1TB one.
After that I would like to utilize my old SSD externally as well, but this is just an idea in my mind, I am not sure if this can be done practically or not.

Do you know if there are external adapters that allow me to put my old Apple SSD inside, and to use it with a USB cable on my MBP?
This would be so nice to be made real, so that I can utilize my old SSD still in real life.
Thanks for your comments and helps in advance, appreciate.


macrumors 6502
Original poster
Nov 21, 2015
Munich, Germany
He linked you a used product listing. Brand new ones are still in stock and OWC does ship to Germany.

I got it. Okay, I just found it. But it is 69 dollars, which seems a bit expensive to me, in fact.
Maybe I can also find any other cheaper option in the market, I will take a look. Otherwise I can purchase the OWC.
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