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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Feb 23, 2008
I imported my iphoto 08 library into Aperture 2 a referenced images. If I now delete an image in Aperture, the iphoto thumbnail doesn't get deleted, only the actual image. Also, after editing the image in Aperture, iphoto doesn't show the edited image. Do i need to set a preference to use Aperture to edit iphoto images ?


Moderator emeritus
Jul 24, 2002
I don't think there is any way to do what you want to do. If you have imported the images as referenced masters then Aperture only cares about the Master: it's not iPhoto and knows nothing about the iPhoto thumbnails. It also does not know about the iPhoto library. If you are updating the images in Aperture the correct and supported way to use the images in iPhoto is to open your Aperture library in iPhoto via the iPhoto command to do so. Aperture/iPhoto are not designed to share a copy of the images with both altering/updating them.


macrumors newbie
Original poster
Feb 23, 2008
What I am really trying to do is batch color correct lots of photos at a time. I have CS3 and was considering using Automator to use PS to batch color correct a group of iphoto images at a time. However, this will quickly fill up the iphoto library with duplicates and bloat my hard drive. It's sort of a pain in the butt too, since I'm still on the shallow end of the PS learning curve. I was hoping to integrate Apertures easier applying adjustment to a group of images features in my workflow to complete a large number of edits without creating unnecessary duplicates. I'd happily move completely to Aperture if it wasn't for the Medialink PS3 HD TV link that only seems to work with iphoto. Can I use the Aperture link in iphoto to apply a color correction to a whole event or album ?


Moderator emeritus
Jul 24, 2002
That's fundamentally not how Aperture works. It does not alter the images: it simply stores the adjustment as meta data and renders on demand. iPhoto does not do this and cannot understand this structure.


macrumors newbie
Original poster
Feb 23, 2008
Sounds like I might as well use PS instead of Aperture as my photo editor, and use iphoto for image management, and accept the extra duplicates iphoto creates. Time Machine works with this workflow too.


macrumors 6502a
Jan 3, 2007
Sounds like I might as well use PS instead of Aperture as my photo editor, and use iphoto for image management, and accept the extra duplicates iphoto creates. Time Machine works with this workflow too.

Aperture is not a photo editor.

John T

macrumors 68020
Mar 18, 2006
You can easily batch process in Aperture using the lift and stamp tools. Much easier and quicker than photoshop!


macrumors newbie
Original poster
Feb 23, 2008
Iphoto doesn't have enough options to manage my 25k+ collection. I need Aperture. So I think my work flow will be keep all my originals and import images into iphoto. That way : Time Machine will work, my camera videos will have a home for future editing, and the PS3 / Medialink HDTV viewing will work. Then, I'll import everything into Aperture 2 as referenced images and use Aperture to reorganize the images and make minor image tune-ups (without iphoto making unnecessary backups), and then use PS for any heavy image corrections.

My question now is after an image is edited in PS coming from Aperture, when it is saved, is another master created in Aperture ? also will I still have to periodically save the vault to capture the Aperture edited images ?


Moderator emeritus
Jul 24, 2002
My question now is after an image is edited in PS coming from Aperture, when it is saved, is another master created in Aperture ? also will I still have to periodically save the vault to capture the Aperture edited images ?

The answers are Yes and Yes. Opening an image from Aperture in any external editor forces Aperture to render the image + all changes in Aperture to a new file to open in the other application. This is a new Master. You will then have to back this up somehow, either by using a Vault, or by importing this image back into iPhoto.


macrumors newbie
Original poster
Feb 23, 2008
I am organizing my iphoto events imported into Aperture as individual projects (with referenced images). I created blue folders for each year and am moving the projects into the appropriate years. Is there a way to select more than one project at a time to drag into folders. There's got to be a better way then dragging one at a time :(


macrumors newbie
Thanks! You put me back on track

Yep! I figured I would get to use Apeture 2 as my 'Photo Editor' at a better cost than P/S which I thought I would later drop..Shot that theory down..It's just that Photoshop is so expensive for an (maybe) advanced amateur when I don't need all the other great software in the bundle. Just want to edit photos and do the great contact sheets..I use iView® as my database for almost 19,000 pix with great success..But I do think I am going to like Apeture 2 as I get into it.Great forum.Thanks guys..RockyOne,Qld.:)Australia
exactly. It's not iPhoto to manage photos and Aperture OR Photoshop to edit photos It's iPhoto or Aperture to manage photos AND Photoshop to edit photos.
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