Yes, there's no Blu-Ray player for OS X.Is there any problem with this?
What I've done with the few Blu-ray discs I own is rip them to my hard drive using AnyDVD HD on Windows under Boot Camp, thus removing HDCP and encryption. I then use Plex to play the resulting m2ts rips on my Mac Mini at 1080p with Dolby Digital or DTS audio.
This is the only solution on the Mac side that I am aware of.
could you not just watch them under bootcamp?
Wow Apple is sure making it difficult to allow us to watch our own Blu-ray movies on their machines. I love spending $3k on a Mac Pro and not be able to watch a movie.![]()
Yes, you can, and I have. But it's a bit clunky since I have to set up my MBP and external BR drive, then connect to the TV (DVI to HDMI) and optical audio (Toslink) to the receiver. And then it really gets fun. I have drill down about 5 or 6 layers of Windows control panels to find the NVidia controller, then switch to a tab, then from a pull-down menu turn off my MBP display and turn on the external display, AND THEN I can watch the movie straight from the disc. No a Mac experience, that's for sure.