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Original poster
Jul 8, 2008

While you guys are on subject of bluetooth I wondered if you could tell me if the following would be possible.

I'm planning to put a text-to-speech program (proloquo2go) on an iPad, as its used to communicate with it has a really good system for making sentences quickly.

I wondered...

1) if the iPad has Bluetooth inside and another PC (Mac or Windows) has Bluetooth enabled is there a way for them to find each other so I could use my iPad to send full sentences into text box, (IM, search browser, email, word etc) of another computer?

2) I have Blackberry Storm which i'm struggling to type on due to increasing difficulties with dexterity, if BB and iPad both have Bluetooth switched on, is there a way they could find each other so I can again compose messages on ipad (bigger keyboard) and then send it to the BB to send as a text message?

If not, what exactly are the Bluetooth features meant to do on these devices!


While you guys are on subject of bluetooth I wondered if you could tell me if the following would be possible.

I'm planning to put a text-to-speech program (proloquo2go) on an iPad, as its used to communicate with it has a really good system for making sentences quickly.

I wondered...

1) if the iPad has Bluetooth inside and another PC (Mac or Windows) has Bluetooth enabled is there a way for them to find each other so I could use my iPad to send full sentences into text box, (IM, search browser, email, word etc) of another computer?

2) I have Blackberry Storm which i'm struggling to type on due to increasing difficulties with dexterity, if BB and iPad both have Bluetooth switched on, is there a way they could find each other so I can again compose messages on ipad (bigger keyboard) and then send it to the BB to send as a text message?

If not, what exactly are the Bluetooth features meant to do on these devices!


Basically, no, neither is likely to be possible. iPhone OS devices have locked down bluetooth implementations which makes general purpose use very difficult. You can use it to pair headsets for making phone calls and for use with GameKit which allows very limited peer-to-peer data communications. Unfortunately whilst GameKit would appear to allow some of what you want it's not available on non-iPhoneOS devices.

With regards to the BB stuff that would depend in the BB software having special non-standard facilities to receive data over Bluetooth to use as the body of a text message. To the best of my knowledge no phone has this.

What do you mean by'Gamekit would appear to allow some of what you want'?

Which bits would it allow?

I have seen a communication aid been paired with a mobiile phone, but I don't know if they have done it with a Blackberry.

Problem is, apart from these machines been windows based (and I'm really not find of windows!) they cost thousands of pounds and as an adult with an acquired condition it is not easy to get funding for these devices, they are also big, chunky and heavy, I much rather have a cool iPad! (I would have got an iPhone if I could have managed to use it)

I thought with all the different apps available I might be able to get one to do the same as these other devices do for a lot less money!

GameKit allows for data communication between iPhone OS devices (so not a BlackBerry) as long as they are running the same application (or the application developers share and agree on a number of things).

You need to remember iPhone OS devices can't do a lot of things that other devices can over bluetooth. You can't even use bluetooth to send a photo from a Nokia to an iPhone for example.

You don't seem to be a programmer so I can't explain this in API terms. Perhaps it's best explained as right now Apple don't make it possible for these sort of interactions to happen.
LOL you are right, I am defintely not a programmer! that made me laugh when you said i didnt SEEM to be a programmer!

I'm fairly new to the world of Assistive Technology and to be honest before I needed it myself, the most I did with my PC or Mac was turn it on and use chat, email or use office for work.

I still haven't got my head around virtual windows so parallel desktops is still in the box since I bought it two years with my iMac!

As I found iPhone keyboard too small to use (it was only available in portrait mode when I first tried it) I never got into the iPod touch and apps either, until they have released this one with bigger screen, so I'm now trying to get my head around all the apps that are out there and what they could do for me! :eek:

So far Proloquo2go (text-to-speech) and Zentap and definitely going on it, i might be able to work around SMS by getting a 'SMS via email' account to be able to do it from the iPad. Now I'm just trying to figure out the 3G to know which version of ipad to buy!

Also looking for an app that allows it to act as a TV remote, thought I'd seen one but when I looked in App store it only seems to work for Apple TV which can't afford at minute. I have Freeview and Sky (UK Satellite provider).
Also looking for an app that allows it to act as a TV remote, thought I'd seen one but when I looked in App store it only seems to work for Apple TV which can't afford at minute. I have Freeview and Sky (UK Satellite provider).

The iPhone doesn't have IR hardware so the device either needs WiFi (so the AppleTV works) or you need additional hardware for the iPhone. I did see a little dongle that plugged into the headphone socket on the iPhone that allowed it to work as a remote...
That maybe what I have seen, I'm sure I seen it been used as a remote on a regular TV somewhere!

I have also seen one you can plug into it to use something like an apple remote to work your ipod, thats NOT the one I'm looking for.

Do you remember the name of this dongle? I thought I saw the advert on TV but it might have been an ad for apple TV that I saw. They were definitely using iPod Touch/iPhones like TV remotes though.
I think I've got a way to solve your Mac/PC problem over WiFI. There are a number of Apps that allow the copy-and-paste clipboard to be synced between an iPhone and a computer. Assuming that proloquo2go allows you to copy phrases you could use one of these to get your text onto your computer, at which point you could paste it wherever you like.

Pastebot and Syncopy only work with Macs, while ClipPrinter appears to support both Macs and PCs.
That's brilliant thanks!

I'll make a note of them and check them out for my iPad.

Thanks guys :)
That maybe what I have seen, I'm sure I seen it been used as a remote on a regular TV somewhere!

I have also seen one you can plug into it to use something like an apple remote to work your ipod, thats NOT the one I'm looking for.

Do you remember the name of this dongle? I thought I saw the advert on TV but it might have been an ad for apple TV that I saw. They were definitely using iPod Touch/iPhones like TV remotes though.

That one ? I've seen another one too I'm sure.
I would like to give this a go - but I fear it may not be accessible with VoiceOver screen reader for iphone / ipad (as is the case with many remote apps other than the official apple one), so basically no good to me.
oh I like the Red-eye mini design better for IR remote. Will this be out in UK too by end of March/April, it says $49 but doesnt mention a UK price?

Anyone know how much L5 would be in comparison?
These apps seem to be designed for US, although mini redeye says it ships to UK I wonder how successful it will be with our freeview and Sky?

I dont want to waste money getting one imported to find I can't get it to work uk branded products or Freeview/sky?

Is anyone on here actually in UK and using one of these on their iphone with our tv's?
After reading this thread I think I'm understanding, your needing a app for texting, correct? There's several, TextPlus, TextFree and TextNow all free unlimited text. HOwever, Idk your in the Uk.
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