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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Jan 26, 2010
Hi guys,
I just ordered a new 27" i5 iMac, and I was hoping to use my old 24" iMac core2duo as a secondary monitor.. is this possible?

I didn't think this could be done but I saw a picture in another thread of someone doing it so I'm wondering if it is... if so do I just need to get a Mini Display - Minidisplay cable?

Any kind of video watching, gaming, etc. will be painful with a software hack like that. $30 for what is basically just a modified VNC? :confused:

Who on earth would use it for gaming? I think it's not even possible, but you can use your main, 27" screen for gaming and e.g. run iTunes or Safari on the other one
Thanks guys. My plan was to use the second display in Logic for the mixer, but since it is not possible to do without a VNC I may just consider getting a second monitor. Seems a bit of a waste to only use the C2D just as a monitor anyway

Thanks guys. My plan was to use the second display in Logic for the mixer, but since it is not possible to do without a VNC I may just consider getting a second monitor. Seems a bit of a waste to only use the C2D just as a monitor anyway


Mm. If it has Mini DisplayPort, then it can easily be used but if it doesn't, it isn't so easy. Anyway, if you sell it, you can buy multiple displays for the money you get
You can use the 27" as a monitor for your 24", but you can not use the 24" as a monitor for your 27", unfortunately.

My advice: Sell the 24" iMac and buy the 24" ACD.
I considered this and may very well do that.. but it's not a bad idea to have a second system lying around just in case...! That way I can use my 27" purely for Audio Production and the other one for mundane tasks, downloading, etc.
I considered this and may very well do that.. but it's not a bad idea to have a second system lying around just in case...! That way I can use my 27" purely for Audio Production and the other one for mundane tasks, downloading, etc.

Good point. 24" ACD is IMO so overpriced that I would never even think about it. Keep your 24" and grab a cheap monitor from a store. You don't need fancy IPS panel and LED backlight for audio production
Hey Sagarv,
Consider the following:

You may look into using screen sharing:
With your 27 imac you'll be able to control the second one and by routing the audio properly you you'll have more ram and processor power.

Depends of course if you only use Logic.

My upcoming studio setup:
For composing, I'm going to have my MBP (on my 23" ACD) with Logic and Altiverb controlled by my iMac 27" (through screen sharing) which will be running my Vienna Symphony Library and Xsample orchestra (taking over 6 gigs of ram) through Sibelius 6 and Kontakt 64 bit.

[ From Sibelius 6 score in Midi, the generated sampled audio by Kontakt (on the iMac 27") will be transfered through gigabit internet to the MBP to 6 stereo buses for Altiverb reverb spacialisation. ]

Then when it will be time for mixing, I'll transfer the Altiverb with the iLok key to my iMac and load the exported audio track in Logic on the iMac.

Hope this makes sense to you.
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