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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Nov 6, 2004
Hello, I have a 2015 retina iMac that I'd like to convert to a 5k display (like Luke Miani:
). Since I have the iMac display already, it is less expensive to convert it to a 5k display than buying a 5k studio display. I have successfully opened up iMacs (pre-retina) before to do HDD / SSD swaps, so I am not afraid of doing this work myself. I know that pre-retina iMacs are different and more difficult, which is why I am trying to save time and frustration with this question.

I'd like to find the model number of the LCD display panel that I have in my iMac. I know it is made by LG, and it is an Ultra HD monitor, but in order to purchase a controller board, I need the LG model number. The model number is listed on the back of the panel (like ifixit:

But I'd like to use terminal to find the model before opening up the iMac (so that I can open up the iMac / display conversion only once - and install the correct controller board at that time - so that I can continue to use the iMac until it is time for the conversion - because the controller board is specific to the LCD panel - and opening up the 2015 iMac and resealing it is a big deal). The controller boards are typically shipped from China and can take weeks to arrive.

I've seen this command which I found from a 2010 post, but it doesn't work to display the model for the LCD panel in my iMac (understandably - the post is more than a decade old):

ioreg -lw0 | grep IODisplayEDID | sed "/[^<]*</s///" | xxd -p -r | strings -6


• I intend to re-use / re-sell / recycle the iMac internals that won't be used in the display conversion so they won't go to waste.
• I have experience opening up computers. I know retina iMacs are more complex to open that other computers or iMacs. I am ready for it.
• I don't want to spend $1,600 on a new 5k studio display when I have a perfectly good 5k display in my iMac (and I can spend under $300 to convert it).
• I know that I could buy a 4k display for much less than a 5k display, but I prefer to have the retina pixel density as I am protective of my eyes and vision.
• I know that the studio display has a couple of more features, but they aren't worth an extra $1,300 to me. I understand that your preference may be different.
• I know that I could buy a third party 5k display, but I don't want to spend $1,300 when on a new 5k display when I have a perfectly good 5k display in my iMac (and I can spend under $300 to convert it).
• The 2015 iMac is not capable of installing Ventura (not going the unsupported install route). I prefer to have a computer which is capable of the latest version of macOS. I will probably also keep my next computer until it is no longer capable of using the latest OS.

Thank you for posting if you have experience with ioreg, or another method of finding a LCD panel model number without cracking open the iMac.


macrumors newbie
Original poster
Nov 6, 2004
I currently have a LATE 2015 iMac(17,1) disassembled. The LCD is an LG with a part number of LM270QQ1 (SD)(B1) in case that helps.
I don't suppose that the next time you've got that iMac running you could check ColorSync Utility to view "Devices" > "Displays" > "iMac" > "Current Profile" > "Open" > "Apple display make and model information"?

It should say something like:

Manufacturer: 00000610
Model: 0000AE07
Serial Number: XXXXXXXX
Manufacture Date: XXXXXXXX

I'm hoping your model matches this.


macrumors 6502
Jul 26, 2009
Wondering if anything ever came of this. Were you successful in your surgery? I have a late 2015 27" iMac, too, and am considering the same operation...

Nguyen Duc Hieu

macrumors 68030
Jul 5, 2020
Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
Wondering if anything ever came of this. Were you successful in your surgery? I have a late 2015 27" iMac, too, and am considering the same operation...

If your iMac has pinky edge, I would suggest against the idea.

If it doesn't, then probably 90% of the case, your LCD panel model name is LM270QQ1 (SD)(B1)

From the seller page, I can only found 2 options: LM270QQ1 (iMac 2015) or LM270QQ2 (iMac 2017)

But since you need to open it anyway, why bother with the command line? (Unless you would like to quit after the command?)
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macrumors 68020
Feb 21, 2017
Back End of Beyond
From another post on the forum these are the panel identifiers for the different 27 inch iMacs:

LM270QQ1 SDA1 2014
LM270QQ1 SDA2 2015
LM270QQ1 SDB1 2016
LM270QQ1 SDC1 2017
LM270QQ1 SDD1 2017 (iMac Pro)
LM270QQ1 SDE1 2019
LM270QQ1 SDF1 2020

The ones with LM270QQ2 are not the Apple panels but the ones that LG uses in their own branded 27 5K.


macrumors newbie
Feb 1, 2019
Hello, I have a 2015 retina iMac that I'd like to convert to a 5k display (like Luke Miani:
). Since I have the iMac display already, it is less expensive to convert it to a 5k display than buying a 5k studio display. I have successfully opened up iMacs (pre-retina) before to do HDD / SSD swaps, so I am not afraid of doing this work myself. I know that pre-retina iMacs are different and more difficult, which is why I am trying to save time and frustration with this question.

I'd like to find the model number of the LCD display panel that I have in my iMac. I know it is made by LG, and it is an Ultra HD monitor, but in order to purchase a controller board, I need the LG model number. The model number is listed on the back of the panel (like ifixit:'s+Screen+In+Order+To+Buy+The+Correct+Video+Driver+Board/40590).

But I'd like to use terminal to find the model before opening up the iMac (so that I can open up the iMac / display conversion only once - and install the correct controller board at that time - so that I can continue to use the iMac until it is time for the conversion - because the controller board is specific to the LCD panel - and opening up the 2015 iMac and resealing it is a big deal). The controller boards are typically shipped from China and can take weeks to arrive.

I've seen this command which I found from a 2010 post, but it doesn't work to display the model for the LCD panel in my iMac (understandably - the post is more than a decade old):

ioreg -lw0 | grep IODisplayEDID | sed "/[^<]*</s///" | xxd -p -r | strings -6


• I intend to re-use / re-sell / recycle the iMac internals that won't be used in the display conversion so they won't go to waste.
• I have experience opening up computers. I know retina iMacs are more complex to open that other computers or iMacs. I am ready for it.
• I don't want to spend $1,600 on a new 5k studio display when I have a perfectly good 5k display in my iMac (and I can spend under $300 to convert it).
• I know that I could buy a 4k display for much less than a 5k display, but I prefer to have the retina pixel density as I am protective of my eyes and vision.
• I know that the studio display has a couple of more features, but they aren't worth an extra $1,300 to me. I understand that your preference may be different.
• I know that I could buy a third party 5k display, but I don't want to spend $1,300 when on a new 5k display when I have a perfectly good 5k display in my iMac (and I can spend under $300 to convert it).
• The 2015 iMac is not capable of installing Ventura (not going the unsupported install route). I prefer to have a computer which is capable of the latest version of macOS. I will probably also keep my next computer until it is no longer capable of using the latest OS.

Thank you for posting if you have experience with ioreg, or another method of finding a LCD panel model number without cracking open the iMac.
Hi TigerKR,

Were you able to successfully complete the change over of your iMac? I have a late 2014 iMac 5K that I'd be willing to try to save. How about an update?



macrumors 6502a
Oct 23, 2009
This long thread has dozens of successful 5K 27” monitor builds.
Look at the pics to see what you might want to do yourself.
If you have any questions post there and I’m sure you’ll get an answer.

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macrumors newbie
Feb 1, 2019
This long thread has dozens of successful 5K 27” monitor builds.
Look at the pics to see what you might want to do yourself.
If you have any questions post there and I’m sure you’ll get an answer.

Thanks for the link!!
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