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Agent 21

macrumors regular
Original poster
Jun 27, 2009
Can we do this like you can with iPods? I've got a bunch of files I wanna move from one computer to another and figured the easiest way is to load 'em onto my phone since there are a lot of movies, my phone has plenty of room, don't wanna burn a crapload of data CDs. I know with my iPod I can just drag and drop into it's folder, is it the same for the iPhone? I don't wanna play the music/movies on the phone, just transport them to my new computer (PC not Mac if it makes any difference). Gave my old computer to my brother so it's at his house, hence needing to do it this way and not just sharing the files on my network to switch 'em over.
Can we do this like you can with iPods? I've got a bunch of files I wanna move from one computer to another and figured the easiest way is to load 'em onto my phone since there are a lot of movies, my phone has plenty of room, don't wanna burn a crapload of data CDs. I know with my iPod I can just drag and drop into it's folder, is it the same for the iPhone? I don't wanna play the music/movies on the phone, just transport them to my new computer (PC not Mac if it makes any difference). Gave my old computer to my brother so it's at his house, hence needing to do it this way and not just sharing the files on my network to switch 'em over.

The iPhone doesn't operate in this fashion like the iPod's did, but if you jailbroke your iPhone, you could just SCP the files over and SCP them to their destination. :)
My phone is jailbroken. I haven't started playing with SSH yet, just haven't had the time to, but I will be doing it via USB when I finally start (no Wi-Fi setup at my house). What would I do to get the files on the phone that way (and take them off when ready to put them on the new computer)?
My phone is jailbroken. I haven't started playing with SSH yet, just haven't had the time to, but I will be doing it via USB when I finally start (no Wi-Fi setup at my house). What would I do to get the files on the phone that way (and take them off when ready to put them on the new computer)?

Not sure since you don't have WiFi. :) If you did, a simple SCP/SSH client would work. On my Mac I use Fugu. Actually now that I think about it, what about something like DiskAid?
I have iPhoneBrowser installed on both computers, not sure if that's the same thing as DiskAid, I just know that's what I was told I'll need to SSH by USB. I'll keep looking into it, and I really appreciate your help.
Once its JBen you can use something like PhoneView or iPhoneBrowser to that or you can install Netatalk so the phone shows up as an Appletalk device.
Is there a certain place the files would have to go when using iPhoneBrowser though (and if so, where?) and then once I copy them off the phone can I just delete them normally or is there a special way to do it?

Sorry for the "noob" questions, I'm pretty "tech savvy" but the whole iPhone JB thing is new to me so I'm just trying to absorb all the info I can.
Is there a certain place the files would have to go when using iPhoneBrowser though (and if so, where?) and then once I copy them off the phone can I just delete them normally or is there a special way to do it?

Sorry for the "noob" questions, I'm pretty "tech savvy" but the whole iPhone JB thing is new to me so I'm just trying to absorb all the info I can.

If you SSH some files whats the best location to save them too?

Any place you see fit. To not confuse anything, you could create a directory in the /private/var directory called Files, Stuff or something similar. :)

Agent21, yes, after you are done copying, you can just delete them off the phone if you like.
darn! i was always intrigued by the idea, im not going to jail break me phone though, i dont need the jail broken features myself. Just a bit bummed out that the drive cant be used for other stuff... maybe thats OS 4.0 :)
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