Our office has the MP6,1 units, late 2016 15" rMBP13,3 with the 4 USB-C/TB3 ports, and an iMac Pro. For the MP6,1 units we use several Apple's TB2 27" and LG displays and for the MBP13,3 we use the Apple TB2 27" display model using the Apple USB-C/TB3-to TB2 adapter.
Question: Will or is the Apple 27" TB2 display (using the Apple USB-C/TB3-to TB2 adapter) compatible with the new 2019 Mac Pro that has USB-C/TB3 ports ?
I've talked with the Apple's business sales people and they claim the 'older' Apple TB2 27" and LG displays will work OK with the new 2019 MP7,1. It would be nice to know if others have this same situation with wanting to know if the advice from Apple is credible.
Would love to have the new 32-inch display for the MP7,1 but will need to wait for our 2020 budget release.
Thank you for any attention you have or advice for the above.
Question: Will or is the Apple 27" TB2 display (using the Apple USB-C/TB3-to TB2 adapter) compatible with the new 2019 Mac Pro that has USB-C/TB3 ports ?
I've talked with the Apple's business sales people and they claim the 'older' Apple TB2 27" and LG displays will work OK with the new 2019 MP7,1. It would be nice to know if others have this same situation with wanting to know if the advice from Apple is credible.
Would love to have the new 32-inch display for the MP7,1 but will need to wait for our 2020 budget release.
Thank you for any attention you have or advice for the above.