It seems I have to go a roundabout way in order to connect to the Internet using a USB Dial-Up modem.
I thought you could double click on the Safari icon on the Dock and get connected to the Internet. But every time I try to do this, the Diagnostics page keeps cropping up.
The only method I have found to get connected is thru the Network folder under System Preferences, which to me is a backhanded alternative to what should be a more direct means by clicking directly on the Safari icon.
Is there something wrong with my Internet set-up causing this run around?
Also, I am unclear as to whether my 20" screen is setup properly? Is it true that in order have the sharpest screen readout/visual appearance and still cover the complete display area that everything seems actually smaller than when compared to a 17" inch display usage (which is the size of the LCD monitor I am using with a Power Mac).
Finally, what is the best source to find out all about my iMac & its features? The documentation sent is very scant. Aside from the petite booklets (with same information repeated on the computer), is there any extremely pertinent guide I am overlooking that comes with the computer? Any other major sources?
I thought you could double click on the Safari icon on the Dock and get connected to the Internet. But every time I try to do this, the Diagnostics page keeps cropping up.
The only method I have found to get connected is thru the Network folder under System Preferences, which to me is a backhanded alternative to what should be a more direct means by clicking directly on the Safari icon.
Is there something wrong with my Internet set-up causing this run around?
Also, I am unclear as to whether my 20" screen is setup properly? Is it true that in order have the sharpest screen readout/visual appearance and still cover the complete display area that everything seems actually smaller than when compared to a 17" inch display usage (which is the size of the LCD monitor I am using with a Power Mac).
Finally, what is the best source to find out all about my iMac & its features? The documentation sent is very scant. Aside from the petite booklets (with same information repeated on the computer), is there any extremely pertinent guide I am overlooking that comes with the computer? Any other major sources?