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macrumors regular
Original poster
Jul 11, 2004
Photographers who are using Lightroom Creative Cloud on iPad Pros, I'm looking to hear about your experiences. I'm planning on uploading my RAW files through my desktop, convert to DNG, upload to Creative Cloud, and do sorting and editing on the iPad Pro via the Lightroom app.

Tell me about your experiences. Is editing and sorting on the IPP relatively smooth, or is it bandwidth limited? Does having an Apple Pencil help in the editing process? What did you wish you knew beforehand?


macrumors 68000
Nov 15, 2007
When using any Adobe programs I want as much screen real estate as I can get. Looking at that tiny screen for hours on end gets old real fast. Using an Apple pencil on an ipad is not the same experience as using a wacom digitizer and stylus. This and many other reasons is why I ordered the surface studio.


macrumors 68000
Sep 17, 2008
It's not bad. The biggest limitation for me is not being able to use my custom presets. It's great for basic edits (white balance, crop, brightness etc.)
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