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macrumors member
Original poster
Jul 5, 2010
I recently came off contract with Verizon, and switched service to Straight Talk, the pay as u go plan. I'm still using my (unlocked) VZW stock iPhone 5S, just swapped out the orig VZW nano SIM with the AT&T network nano SIM from my Straight Talk SIM starter kit... The kit came with SIM cards of ALL sizes in both AT&T and T-Mobile GSM, and also certain CDMAs. I chose the AT&T one after reading recommendations online, and now getting faster data speed than I did on VZW's service! And costs me $17 less a month, with No Contract. Only drawback was that I lost Tethering/Hot Spot capability, which was free on Verizon.. never used it though.
Anyone else also make the switch, and how its been so far?
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