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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Jan 23, 2008
I unlocked my 2G iphone this weekend using WinPwn, and so in the process I created a custom firmware.

Now I need to unlock a couple of phones for my friend. Can I use that same customer firmware and just restore his phones with it, or do I need to create an individual one for each phone?
You can just use the same firmware you created earlier.

Although make sure you follow the prepping instructions for each phone, ie making sure they are all up-to-date, and that you "pwn" them all before you restore with the custom firmware.
OK thanks!

I used iLiberty+ to unlock his phones (currently 1.1.4), do I need to restore the phones in itunes before "pwning" them? Do I need to do anything else to the phones before I restore or "pwn" them?

I updated my phone to 2.0.1, and will probably do the same with his, is there any reason why I should go to 2.0.2 instead?

Step by step instructions of what needs to be done before beginning the WinPwn process would be great!
that you "pwn" them all before you restore with the custom firmware.

I agree - what is this "pwn" before restore thing? How do I do it in winpwn since the ipwner there seems to say iTunes has neen pwned, not the iPhone? How does this "pwn"ing go away if I restore with original Apple firmware to remove all traces of pwnage for say, a warranty deal?
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