I grabbed my iPhone off the charger this morning, like normal. I was somewhere, and had to check who I was meeting with at 2:30, and my home button would not work. I was in a hurry, so I powered down, and powered up to the home screen... into calander, and got the info. I coul move about in any app just fine... but just not return to the home screen with the button. Totally dead.
AN hour later, I call someone. I can hear them... but they do NOT hear me.
I get home, and plug it in. No charging. I plug it into an iMac... and a screen comes up, something to the effect that a device on the USB bus is drawing too much power, and the iMac powered down the USB bus.
I looked into the connector area... nothing looks amiss.
Any ideas?
AN hour later, I call someone. I can hear them... but they do NOT hear me.
I get home, and plug it in. No charging. I plug it into an iMac... and a screen comes up, something to the effect that a device on the USB bus is drawing too much power, and the iMac powered down the USB bus.
I looked into the connector area... nothing looks amiss.
Any ideas?