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macrumors 68020
Original poster
I've recently been given the task of redesigning our club website and there are some forums on there which are seriously showing their age (as is the rest of the site).

Now, in keeping with my new designs, I want to redo the forums, and I like the way MacRumors looks, and the way it works, therefore, I'm thinking that vBulletin would be good for me.

does anyone have any advice for using this? anything I should know? or even, is it possible to import that old forum into vBulletin and keep it in archives or something???? I know a few of the lads like the way it is and are happy with it, but personally i think the current thing sucks, so much so that i never use it.

anyways, i have no idea how to use vBulletin and basically just need to know if i'll be able to use it, how easy/difficult is it to operate????

cheers :)
so....i have managed to install vBulletin on a new host' server, and get it up and running (much to my amazement!) but i have a couple of questions...

how do i get the user info to appear on the left of the post, as opposed to across the top of every post??? the panel with the avatar etc...

also, is it a vB thing to get the recent comments on the main page??? or is that something that arn would have done separately??

and last but not do i insert that google adsense code into the php script thing...i want to get the ads at the bottom of the page much like here at MR...

thanks for any help guys!!!!
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