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Original poster
Jan 18, 2005

Getting back into vector art. Click on the mini pic for the full res image.
Took me about 2-3 hours, a lot of experimentation took place with the lighting and all. not perfected but I'm pleased :) what about you folks?
aye, it's more Photoshop than vector. that's just for the lineart. I keep meaning to make a full Flash/Illustrator image but it's just so time consuming compared to the cut and shut of Photoshop :eek:

^that link guy has skill.
Regardless of whether or not it is vector art by the book, it's much better than I could hope to be able to do. :)

I really like the lighting and shading effects you used in there. I'm sure you used a tablet for this?

(And I'm a bit perturbed by your website's URL :eek: )
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