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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Apr 18, 2019
Hey there,

So I’m facing an issue with VeraCrypt on my Mac Book Pro under the Version 10.14.4 using a standard user account without admin rights.

After typing my admin password into the app it’ll then come up with a warning saying:
„Failed to obtain administrator privileges: user is not in the sudoers file. This incident will be reported.“

I’ve read about some sudo visudo instructions to type into the terminal but as I’m not quite a programmer I didn’t really knew what I had to do. I've tried a little but didn't want to cause any damage so I left it the way it was.
It would be brilliant if someone could help me finding a solution on how to use Vera Crypt on this MacBook on a standard user account. It would be much appreciated.

Thanks in advance.
Hey there,

So I’m facing an issue with VeraCrypt on my Mac Book Pro under the Version 10.14.4 using a standard user account without admin rights.

After typing my admin password into the app it’ll then come up with a warning saying:
„Failed to obtain administrator privileges: user is not in the sudoers file. This incident will be reported.“

I’ve read about some sudo visudo instructions to type into the terminal but as I’m not quite a programmer I didn’t really knew what I had to do. I've tried a little but didn't want to cause any damage so I left it the way it was.
It would be brilliant if someone could help me finding a solution on how to use Vera Crypt on this MacBook on a standard user account. It would be much appreciated.

Thanks in advance.
If you have the admin password, why not use an admin account? Mac OS will still password prompt you to do everything either way. Standard accounts are more for kids or other family members or whoever you don't want installing crap on your computer.

Anyways, the problem is that account doesn't have admin rights. And if I remember correctly veracrpyt only asks for a password, and it doesn't use the standard Mac OS admin prompt that lets you pick which user. Normally you'd type the admin name and password. I don't know a way around this other than to use an admin account.
You could try running the app as root with terminal using the sudo command. Though If you don't know how to do that, I would suggest you don't do it.
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