Whenever I burn a DVD with toast 5.2.1 I get a verification problem.Something like "Sector XXX unreadable. Verification failed" I read the thead that Blappy posted on August 2003. He was having the same problem. I couldnt find any answer about that. Could
anybody help me?
I am using Apple 2X, and didn't have any problem until few weeks a go. I have OSX 10.2.8.
Is my DVD broken. should I call apple care?
This situation freaks me out, because I am making back ups of my data, and now I don't trust these back ups! And my hardrives are so full that they can explode soon.. javascript:smilie('
any suggestion will be appreciated.
Whenever I burn a DVD with toast 5.2.1 I get a verification problem.Something like "Sector XXX unreadable. Verification failed" I read the thead that Blappy posted on August 2003. He was having the same problem. I couldnt find any answer about that. Could
anybody help me?
I am using Apple 2X, and didn't have any problem until few weeks a go. I have OSX 10.2.8.
Is my DVD broken. should I call apple care?
This situation freaks me out, because I am making back ups of my data, and now I don't trust these back ups! And my hardrives are so full that they can explode soon.. javascript:smilie('
any suggestion will be appreciated.