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macrumors member
Original poster
Nov 5, 2013
I've been a Verizon DLS customer for over 10 years, and it's never been great. But the last two months are awful. I called Verizon support two weeks ago, and she tried to be helpful, and she even sent me a new router/modem. But it's actually gotten worse.

Problem: Re-setting the modem/router used to bring the speed back to maximum (c. 330 Mbps). Now it's about a quarter of that and then falls, and quite often starts at about 1%. It also drops the internet connection several times an hour.

set up: Mac Pro G5, 2012, 8 Gb of RAM; connected to modem/router by Ethernet cable (I've tried several cables, including the new one sent by Verizon); the new modem is Actiontek Model GT784WNV, modem/router connected to wall socket by about 35 ft. of telephone cable (this has not changed in years, so no reason to think it's the problem). No firewalls except the router/modem's own--three letters, can't remember--but this has been true for 10+ years.

The only hint is that the phone wires to the house are 45 years old. We have had static on the phone several times, and Verizon has come out and simply switched the wires at the junction box near the house. The Internet seems to be affected by rain--worse when it rains. But maybe that's my imagination.

Anyone have similar problems--or solutions?


macrumors member
May 27, 2020
My inlaws had the same issue for a couple years. Verizon said they would change wires at junction box. When that didn't work they said it was the phone line to the house. When that didn't work they said it was the lines in the house ( which partially ran under the side driveway ). But fortunately by that time Fios had finally gotten to our neighborhood and they switched over. I myself had DSL for years and never had an issue. So its not your imagination. You are one of the lucky ones that have had that issue especially when it rains.
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