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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Aug 7, 2008
Ok I have a blackberry 8830 which for verizon will include a verizon/vodafone sim card.

I have read about people using vodaphone in other countries. But seeing the gsm/cdma issues always comes up. I have activated the card but for some reason I cannot find an unlocked iphone.

People around the world have used vodafone sim cards in unlocked Iphones. But will this work in the good old US of A.

So basically what I am asking here is, will a blackberry 8830 sim card for verizon work on an Iphone.

If i can find somebody who has an unlocked phone I will update my attempt at finally having the iphone on verizon.
The SIM is a Vodaphone SIM. Verizon doesn't even look for the card, in fact, I'll suspect that the phone itself disables the SIM when it gets a Verizon Signal do you aren't charged for roaming in the US. All it will do in an unlocked phone is connect to the roaming partner for Vodaphone (I think at&t, T-Mo, and Alltel GSM) and use their network. It may get you better coverage because of the broader connection, but it won't connect you to Verizon.

The SIM is a Vodaphone SIM. Verizon doesn't even look for the card, in fact, I'll suspect that the phone itself disables the SIM when it gets a Verizon Signal do you aren't charged for roaming in the US. All it will do in an unlocked phone is connect to the roaming partner for Vodaphone (I think at&t, T-Mo, and Alltel GSM) and use their network. It may get you better coverage because of the broader connection, but it won't connect you to Verizon.


Well my work pays for my phone so its not a question about the money - but more or less trying to find a iphone to test it out on. I figured that it might be roaming. thanks for the info - atleast its an idea to try, better than a comment like this - " Keep dreaming and stop trying. It won't work in the USA. " thanks tallest skil - i thought I was the newb.
You wanna know what Jaybatt and my iPhone have in common?

They've been pwned!!!! Wow that was cheesy, but I don't give a **** lol
The iPhone does not have a CDMA radio. Period. A SIM card won't add one.

The only reason "Verizon SIM cards" exist is so that people using Verizon on the US can roam on GSM networks abroad and have Verizon charge them $100/min.
The iPhone does not have a CDMA radio. Period. A SIM card won't add one.

The only reason "Verizon SIM cards" exist is so that people using Verizon on the US can roam on GSM networks abroad and have Verizon charge them $100/min.

The Verizon SIM simply allows the phone to search for a GSM signal. You could theoretically get an AT&T SIM and put it in the 8830 and force it to global roaming only and it would work. Placing the Verizon SIM in an unlocked iPhone, however, will only get the iPhone to search for the GSM signal Verizon has specified. In this case, as you noted, is Vodafone.

There needs to be a sticky in the forums. It needs to have a title only. The post doesn't even need any words. It just needs to say:

"The iPhone will not work on Sprint, Verizon or Alltel... PERIOD."
Everyone here is correct, the Blackberry you speak of from Verizon basically is duel cell phones in one. I used to have one as a test phone for the firmware that allowed us to use AT&T on one version and the other version was on Verizon so we could ensure X firmware wouldn't break for customers using the GSM or CDMA functionality. Basically everyone who is here is correct in the simple fact is when you can't get a CDMA signal (overseas) the GSM card kicks in and allows you to "roam" on other networks. If your work pays for your cell phone you might be better off canceling your Verizon account and getting an AT&T enterprise account and that would solve your problems.
wel lI have found an unlocked Iphone... so over the next few days I will be trying this.

Let me set a few things straight - my work pays for my phone bill and my wifes so i save like 150 a month and get a new phone every 3 months. Swithing to At&t is a definite no in the Los angeles area if you want to stay intouch to the person your talking to. I am just actually bored enough to try this to see if it works. Now im really hoping it works so that the idiots who posted negative replys can suck a fat one.

Thanks to all who added minus the haters of course - I will keep you updated.
You seem to be confusing "haters" and "truth-tellers." :rolleyes:

I was a Verizon customer for close to 11 years, so believe me when I tell you that I wish I could have stayed with Verizon and gotten an iPhone.


I knew it for all of the last year, when the original iPhone came out and I wanted one, but didn't want the dropped calls that come with switching to AT&T. Once the 3G was announced, I took the plunge and I'm glad I did, because the 3G network in SoCal is good. But you're saying AT&T isn't an option and that's understandable, but trying to use the Verizon SIM in an iPhone is useless.

Try all you want, it won't work. Have fun, though.
wel lI have found an unlocked Iphone... so over the next few days I will be trying this.

Let me set a few things straight - my work pays for my phone bill and my wifes so i save like 150 a month and get a new phone every 3 months. Swithing to At&t is a definite no in the Los angeles area if you want to stay intouch to the person your talking to. I am just actually bored enough to try this to see if it works. Now im really hoping it works so that the idiots who posted negative replys can suck a fat one.

Thanks to all who added minus the haters of course - I will keep you updated.

There are no haters since its the truth, I am so sadden that you can not realize that Verizon is a CDMA only network. They don't even utilize SIM cards to login to their network they use the dual function phones that use SIM cards will allow you to pick up GSM networks (AT&T, T-mobile, Vodaphone (international) ) however for all intensive purposes when your on your GSM network you no longer are using Verizon's cell network anymore and will be charged on those GSM carriers. For the international capable Cell phones from Verizon you have to have a SEPARATE plan with the international carrier such as Vodaphone before you can even use them. If you look over it will show you what you need and how the technology works.

Alas once again as many people told you yes the unlocked iphone will work with the SIM card you have which most likely from a GSM carrier you get additional service with HOWEVER you will for all purposes not be on Verizon's network but that other Carrier's SIM you have. Plain and simple, not much more we can say.
I don't get it. I really don't get it.

Seriously. Another Verizon on iPhone question? C'mon. How hard is it to grasp. It's not going to happen.

Sorry if the 'haters' are actually people who 'know what they're talking about'.

You know what. Nevermind. Try it. I want to see you get a long bill from one of the GSM carriers here in the US of A. Then we'll see who 'sucks a fat one'.
1) iPhone on Verizon is impossible because the iPhone doesn't have a CDMA transmitter

2) BlackBerry 8830 (Verizon) will NOT work in the United States on a GSM network because it only has the European GSM frequencies (900/1800MHz), while in the United States we have the 850/1900MHz bands.
Just like the 3G will not work on T-Mobile. Well, I should say the 3G data part. T-Mobile's data receive frequency is different then AT&T. This of course applies with Verizon using totally different frequencies for their EVDO or whatever it is data network. Cell phone companies pay millions of dollars buying these frequencies from the FCC.

But let the man try, he will not be happy till he has proved it to himself. As far as sucking the big fat one.... please, let's not act like four year olds.
wel lI have found an unlocked Iphone... so over the next few days I will be trying this.

Let me set a few things straight - my work pays for my phone bill and my wifes so i save like 150 a month and get a new phone every 3 months. Swithing to At&t is a definite no in the Los angeles area if you want to stay intouch to the person your talking to. I am just actually bored enough to try this to see if it works. Now im really hoping it works so that the idiots who posted negative replys can suck a fat one.
I'm curious to see what happens.

Vodaphone's roaming partners in the US are AT&T and T-Mobile. Be a bit ironic if it picked AT&T in your area, eh? :)

So how 'high up' of an employee are you where you work? Roaming rates are typically over $1 per minute for voice (no free nights/weekends), and several dollars per meg for data. You may be saving yourself $150/month by not having to pay for an AT&T phone, but your experiment works and you use it as your main phone solution, you'll be screwing your company out of hundreds of extra dollars per month. Not even the CEO could get away with that where I work. :eek:
I'm curious to see what happens.

Vodaphone's roaming partners in the US are AT&T and T-Mobile. Be a bit ironic if it picked AT&T in your area, eh? :)

That is an incorrect use of the word "ironic." What is ironic is that Vodaphone owns part of Verizon Wireless, but can't roam on Verizon Wireless' network.

That is an incorrect use of the word "ironic." What is ironic is that Vodaphone owns part of Verizon Wireless, but can't roam on Verizon Wireless' network.

He said that nobody in LA uses AT&T if they want the call to not drop. How would his iPhone + Vodaphone SIM chosing AT&T as the roaming carrier not be ironic?
He'll be on in a day or so saying, "WTF it dosnt work Apple sux :mad::mad::mad::mad:".

Either that or he just won't post again and this thread will die until someone else thinks that they know more about cellular technologies than the rest of us.
He'll be on in a day or so saying, "WTF it dosnt work Apple sux :mad::mad::mad::mad:".

Either that or he just won't post again and this thread will die until someone else thinks that they know more about cellular technologies than the rest of us.

Amen to that brother. =) And no doubt in my mind you are right, we will soon see a thread that apple/iphone sucks it dosent work on verizion. Yet another post bound for the wasteland.
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