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Original poster
Sep 6, 2009
Sorry to post another similar thread but I can't seem to figure out if this would work.

I currently have 2 unlimited data that both have upgrades available.
I am trying to upgrade to the 5s and keep my unlimited data but the 2nd line does not use much data so it would be fine to take away that line's unlimited data. So I am assuming I would use Line #2 to buy my 5s, activate on that line, and then reactivate on my line. Would I still have my own upgrade available once the phone is transferred to my line? I just want to make sure I would be able to transfer my upgrade eventually so that line #2 can get a new phone at some point. But I wasn't sure how often you could upgrade the same line.
If you get a sunsidized price on an unlimited data line with Verizon, they are going to force you onto a limited data plan. I assume, since you have two lines, that you are on a share plan. So many minutes plus $30 each line for unlimited data. You, my friend, are stuck with Verizon's anal raping. You can pay full price for your phone (which is what I suggest and I've been contract free for years), however, if you want subsidized pricing, you will have to switch both lines to one of their new mobile share plans and select a data cap. You can't even break off one line to an individual plan because you would have to do an assumption of liability and that, too, would require a change to a tired data plan.

Carriers realized about 3 years ago that they aren't making money on voice minute overages anymore because everyone uses text, email, VoIP. So the only way for them to drive additional revenue is through data overage. How do they do that? Put a cap on data plans. I remember back in the day I used to have a 50 minute plan for $80/month. They knew I would go over. Likewise, they cap data now. The voice minutes are a throwaway at this point.
Thanks, I was worried that was the case. I was hoping it would only upgrade that one line and the other line would keep the unlimited data. Bummer.
Thanks, I was worried that was the case. I was hoping it would only upgrade that one line and the other line would keep the unlimited data. Bummer.

This is one of the reasons I am switching from VW to T-Mobile. I am tired of paying thru the nose for every little extra, like $.20/TEXT!!!!!!! I don't even use 100 minutes /month of the 550 family plan and that is nearly $200/3 phones.

T-Mobile may not have the coverage that VW has but T-Mobile is getting my business, regardless.
This is one of the reasons I am switching from VW to T-Mobile. I am tired of paying thru the nose for every little extra, like $.20/TEXT!!!!!!! I don't even use 100 minutes /month of the 550 family plan and that is nearly $200/3 phones.

T-Mobile may not have the coverage that VW has but T-Mobile is getting my business, regardless.

Agreed. Wish I could have more data and less minutes and texts. I don't use many at all but need the data for work. Even then I still don't use that much but seems ridiculous to pay the same price for 2gb that I did for unlimited
What you say will work. As long as you don't use your upgrade on the phone line you want to keep unlimited on it will work. Only the upgraded line will be forced into a tiered data plan,
This is one of the reasons I am switching from VW to T-Mobile. I am tired of paying thru the nose for every little extra, like $.20/TEXT!!!!!!! I don't even use 100 minutes /month of the 550 family plan and that is nearly $200/3 phones.

T-Mobile may not have the coverage that VW has but T-Mobile is getting my business, regardless.

I completely understand your frustration - I have been there many times myself. The problem is that VZW has a lot of people over a barrel. I have a friend who brags and brags about his "unlimited" TMo plan that is so inexpensive. But he has no service at his house. He has to use Google Talk over WiFi. So before swtiching to TMo, make sure you will have reliable coverage where you need to use the phone. Saving money is great. But, to my mind, you aren't really saving money if you are paying for a phone plan that you can't use, even if you are paying less.
Can you buy a contract free Verizon iPhone 5S from Apple? I went through the steps to preorder the 5C online, but it would only give me the subsidized price. When I bought my iPhone 5 I was not eligible for an upgrade yet so I did not have this problem. The closest place to me selling the 5S will be a Wal-Mart, will I be able to buy one there and keep my unlimited data?
Can you buy a contract free Verizon iPhone 5S from Apple? I went through the steps to preorder the 5C online, but it would only give me the subsidized price. When I bought my iPhone 5 I was not eligible for an upgrade yet so I did not have this problem. The closest place to me selling the 5S will be a Wal-Mart, will I be able to buy one there and keep my unlimited data?

I think that for Verizon, the only way to buy unsubsidized is to buy through the Verizon online store from your account at the full retail price. I did this for my iPhone 5 and kept my original plan, and will likely do the same for the 5s/5c when it's up for sale tomorrow.

It seems like you can't buy unsubsidized from Apple directly, at least that is what they say in their explanation on the site.
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I think that for Verizon, the only way to buy unsubsidized is to buy through the Verizon online store from your account at the full retail price. I did this for my iPhone 5 and kept my original plan, and will likely do the same for the 5s/5c when it's up for sale tomorrow.

It seems like you can't buy unsubsidized from Apple directly, at least that is what they say in their explanation on the cite.

So, no way to get it tomorrow then?
So, no way to get it tomorrow then?

Probably not. I think Verizon's SIM card is unable to be supported from selling unsubsidized through Apple. Here's what the Apple Store says when you try to buy it "unlocked":

The unlocked iPhone includes all the features of iPhone but without a wireless contract commitment. You can activate and use the unlocked iPhone on the supported GSM wireless network of your choice, such as AT&T or T-Mobile in the United States. The unlocked iPhone will not work with CDMA-based carriers, including Sprint and Verizon Wireless.

It's not completely clear on what it means, because technically a phone that is unlocked would be free of any sort of restrictions like that, but, I'd stay on the safe side unless someone can verify that you can. I know you can get it to work this way by buying it through Verizon's online store under your account with them, though. I've done that a few times.
What you say will work. As long as you don't use your upgrade on the phone line you want to keep unlimited on it will work. Only the upgraded line will be forced into a tiered data plan,

It looks like it won't work for me because I have a shared plan. When I check my account and go to change plan I get this message
"You currently have an Unlimited Data package on one or more lines on your account. The Unlimited Data package is no longer available. To continue, please select a new Data Option for all of the lines on your plan. You will not be able to go back to your current Unlimited Data package."

Since it says select a new data option for ALL of the lines on your plan I would assume there is no way for me to keep my unlimited data unless I buy the phone at full price. Really disappointing!
Probably not. I think Verizon's SIM card is unable to be supported from selling unsubsidized through Apple. Here's what the Apple Store says when you try to buy it "unlocked":

The unlocked iPhone includes all the features of iPhone but without a wireless contract commitment. You can activate and use the unlocked iPhone on the supported GSM wireless network of your choice, such as AT&T or T-Mobile in the United States. The unlocked iPhone will not work with CDMA-based carriers, including Sprint and Verizon Wireless.

It's not completely clear on what it means, because technically a phone that is unlocked would be free of any sort of restrictions like that, but, I'd stay on the safe side unless someone can verify that you can. I know you can get it to work this way by buying it through Verizon's online store under your account with them, though. I've done that a few times.

It doesn't have to be unlocked, just unsubsidized. I want the same phone, I just want to pay full price and not have verizon change my current plan.
I'm on a family plan. Myself and my dad both had unlimited data before he upgraded. He was the only line forced onto a limited data plan. Maybe you have to do it in a store to keep both lines from switching to a limited plan?
I'm on a family plan. Myself and my dad both had unlimited data before he upgraded. He was the only line forced onto a limited data plan. Maybe you have to do it in a store to keep both lines from switching to a limited plan?

Interesting. It's worth a shot since I am planning on going in store to buy my phone anyways. Thanks!
Interesting. It's worth a shot since I am planning on going in store to buy my phone anyways. Thanks!

Good luck. I'm trying to decide if I want to give up my unlimited data to upgrade to the 5s from my 4... I'm getting bored with my slooooow iphone 4.
Good luck. I'm trying to decide if I want to give up my unlimited data to upgrade to the 5s from my 4... I'm getting bored with my slooooow iphone 4.

Thank you!! It worked!! The 5s is a huge upgrade (at least for me) from the 4 so I think you will love it.

After being 20th in line this morning and waiting almost 2 hours they werent going to sell me the 5s at full retail to keep my unlimited data. She kept pushing Edge and saying they would give me 6 gig, etc. I said can I speak to a manager and after 5 minutes she processed it. I said I waited in line 2 hours. If you told me before I got in line; I wouldn't have had a problem.
Thank you!! It worked!! The 5s is a huge upgrade (at least for me) from the 4 so I think you will love it.

Cool I'm glad it worked for you. I'm leaning heavily toward upgrading. I really don't need unlimited data I'm just afraid to give it up.
After being 20th in line this morning and waiting almost 2 hours they werent going to sell me the 5s at full retail to keep my unlimited data. She kept pushing Edge and saying they would give me 6 gig, etc. I said can I speak to a manager and after 5 minutes she processed it. I said I waited in line 2 hours. If you told me before I got in line; I wouldn't have had a problem.

So you did end up keeping the unlimited ? and got the new phone?
I've spoken to numerous agents using their online tool and they all give me the same response. Here is a chat dialogue:

Me: i recently transfered my upgrade to my mom's line (i'm on unlimited data). My mom's line is on 2gb tiered plan. if i activate it on my mom's line will it get rid of my unlimited?

Agent: No. Not at all. If you activate it on your line you still have your unlimited data plan also/

Are you upgrading online today?

Me: no. I already transferred it online yesterday.

So what should I do when the phone comes in to transfer it to my line?

Agent: Activate the device on the line you want it on

Me: So I don't need to activate it on my mom's line first?

Agent: No. You can just activate it on your line.

Me: so just directly activate it on my line (unlimited) and it should be fine?

Agent: Yes

TLDR: If you visit most verizon stores they will say this isn't possible (they told me this yesterday). Go through the online transfer tools to bypass the morons.
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