Then I tried to use it and it took a minute to start a new project and i lost interest. For it to work, it has to be as seemless a saving a file, and take the same amount of time.
We don't use it. Everyone works locally on their machines in their own 'work in progress' folders as we tend to work solely on a project.
The server is used for shared resources like the image and logo libraries and for running networked backups at night. Besides, don't think it works really well with Quark files.
Might revisit the situation with CS3, but deadlines have to be met and there are some old dogs at our studio who are resistant to change.
Off-topic: you're not from Austin are you?
Nope. London, UK.
Where it's 5:30am right now, and I'm nursing coffee and wondering what time I should go into the office since it opens at 7am... and the first thing I will be opening when I get there will not be Version Cue.
Is your work graphic or web design, or neither? Do you tend to have an one person handle a client's entire project?