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Szelim Tessa

macrumors newbie
Original poster
Dec 21, 2019
Hello all! This is my first thread here, and I came to this forum to seek help. First of all, I apologize for any grammatical errors, unfortunately English is not my native language, but I'll try to describe my problem as best as I could.

So, the story:

Yesterday, I dropped my IPhone SE accidently. The Home button fell out, and the front screen became totally black, and it also came out of it's place a little bit.

I called a local repair shop that is specifically repairing IPhone's and told them my problem. They told me it's very possible that the whole front LCD screen must be replaced, and a new Home button must be built in. They told me they could do this today, so I immediately took my phone to them.

It took them a few hours, they replaced my phone's front screen and my phone got a new Home button. I tried out the phone, and it worked perfectly. I paid and I went home.

At home, however, after about 3 hours after I took my phone from the repair shop, vertical lines started appearing on my screen. However, after about 1 minute they disappeared. I also noticed the vertical lines do not appear immediately when I unlock my phone. They appear slowly, and after about 20 seconds, they almost completely cover the screen.

Today morning, the vertical lines appeared again, but this time they won't disappear. Whenever I unlock my phone, they slowly start to appear, and then cover more than half of my screen.

I called the repair shop I visited yesterday, and told them the screen that they built into my phone started producing vertical lines, and that this problem was not present when I took my phone from them. In the phone, they told me it's very possible I dropped my phone again. However, this is not true, I was very careful of it, and I did not dropped it again or did anything that could cause this problem. Nevertheless, there's a 6 month warranty on the repair, but ONLY if the screen is not working because of them. If the screen is not working because of "misuse", they will not repair it free. I'm a bit scared of this because I do not want to pay again for a repair, especially when I did not do anything wrong or any misuse.

I read a few forums on the internet regarding this problem, and some people said it is possible the LCD cable is loose or not connected properly inside the phone. Or the screen that they built into my phone is simply faulty.

So, I ask you for help, what do you think could be the problem? Again, sorry for any grammatical errors, I hope you can still understand my problem. Thanks in advance for any answers!

EDIT: I also forgot to mention when I shake my phone, I can hear a slight noise. It almost sounds like as if some component is loose, or some kind of liquid is in my phone.


macrumors 6502a
Mar 23, 2019
Get them replace the screen under warranty because either the screen is faulty or they screwed up the install.

If the connector is loose then the problem would be always the same. What I mean is static lines across the screen always.

You paid for a screen replacement, even if a phone has a bend or the corners are broken, they should make sure to fix those before installing a new display. Since it is not the case, even more so get them to replace it under warranty.


macrumors 604
Aug 19, 2017
If you didn’t drop the phone take it back to them and tell them to fix it. If it has a warranty, they should cover defective components or workmanship


macrumors G5
Mar 27, 2017
They likely used a defective replacement display. How much did they charge for the repair?
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