And best of all, it's 132% free!
You can do some pretty wild stuff with this application. The controls let you do a tremedous amount of customization and tweaking. But it's still a very simple program to use. Give it a try, it's allot of fun. All you need is two images, and once you are done, in about five minutes, you'll have something totally cool on your hands! Here's an example; I made a Morph PC truning into a Mac:
You can do some pretty wild stuff with this application. The controls let you do a tremedous amount of customization and tweaking. But it's still a very simple program to use. Give it a try, it's allot of fun. All you need is two images, and once you are done, in about five minutes, you'll have something totally cool on your hands! Here's an example; I made a Morph PC truning into a Mac: