I was back and forth about this purchase for awhile, but ultimately took the plunge on Saturday. It certainly has it's limitations, but I am still really enjoying it. And so now I am wondering how well the launch went. Obviously there are no AppleTV commercials, so probably not alot of people know it came out unless they are gadget/apple freaks like we are.
I can't wait to hear how many units they sold. With so many reports here about all these stores being sold out, it has to be going very well. I just wonder if it is selling better than Apple predicted. If so, it bodes well for them to give it the attention it needs and open an ATV app store.
I can't wait to hear how many units they sold. With so many reports here about all these stores being sold out, it has to be going very well. I just wonder if it is selling better than Apple predicted. If so, it bodes well for them to give it the attention it needs and open an ATV app store.