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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Sep 4, 2009
A few days ago i installed 5 icon dock, and since then my battery life has been very weak. i've also notice that my iphone gets very warm for little reason. i'll be on safari or just leaving it there for ten minutes and it'll start getting warm. the only reason i suspect gekino 5 icons dock is because i've read somewhere that people had a similar problem. i've tried uninstalling 5 icon dock, as well as rebooting (both before and after) and i've tried setting it to DFU mode and rebooting it without a restore.

I've also noticed apps seem to run slower than they used to, and sbsettings tells me that the only process running is the phone. i have sbsettings, windows-7 theme, winterboard, and have email push set to manual. sometimes, if i'm running a game, then the battery will drain faster than it can charge. the brightness does not seem to affect the battery life.

any help would be appreciated, thanks
A few days ago i installed 5 icon dock, and since then my battery life has been very week. i've also notice that my iphone gets very warm for little reason. i'll be on safari or just leaving it there for ten minutes and it'll start getting warm. the only reason i suspect gekino 5 icons dock is because i've read somewhere that people had a similar problem. i've tried uninstalling 5 icon dock, as well as rebooting (both before and after) and i've tried setting it to DFU mode and rebooting it without a restore.

I've also noticed apps seem to run slower than they used to, and sbsettings tells me that the only process running is the phone. i have sbsettings, windows-7 theme, winterboard, and have email push set to manual. sometimes, if i'm running a game, then the battery will drain faster than it can charge. the brightness does not seem to affect the battery life.

any help would be appreciated, thanks

I think I'd look elsewhere for the cause of this. I've been running 5 icon dock on both my 3g and 3gs and there has been no battery effect. I'm also running a couple of winterboard themes, SBSettings etc with no problems battery-wise.

Good luck!
Ya theres definitely something else wrong there I have 5 icon dock and have never had an issue, check to see if ur autolock is off.
autolock is at one minute. it's currently charging and losing 1% battery every 2-3 minutes. though sometimes it does go up.
I think I'd look elsewhere for the cause of this. I've been running 5 icon dock on both my 3g and 3gs and there has been no battery effect. I'm also running a couple of winterboard themes, SBSettings etc with no problems battery-wise.

Good luck!

Agree...i have a 2G and used the 5 icon dock for a long while and since ive upgraded to 3.0.1 my battery life is really good. In fact, if 3.1 doesnt offer much for an upgrade, im staying put.
Well i don't know what's causing it then but it's still burning up fast. I don't want to restore because it's tmobile unlocked, so is there any way I can fix it?
I wonder if the phone was restored from a backup instead of restoring it as a new phone. It's been provin that most battery drainage comes from bad backup files.
I wonder if the phone was restored from a backup instead of restoring it as a new phone. It's been provin that most battery drainage comes from bad backup files.

He hasn't done a restore. He put it in DFU mode w/o a restore. However, it looks like he needs to a DFU restore, and restore as a new phone.
Never restored it, nor do I even have a backup. I just got the iPhone a week ago and paid to get it unlocked around that time, and I would do a full restore if it didn't mean I would have to go unlock it again. And I only went into DFU and rebooted without a restore
Never restored it, nor do I even have a backup. I just got the iPhone a week ago and paid to get it unlocked around that time, and I would do a full restore if it didn't mean I would have to go unlock it again. And I only went into DFU and rebooted without a restore

You don't have to pay to unlock your iPhone. If you have any computer skills, you can easily unlock it yourself for free. There are plenty of tutorials linked in the sticky threads.
The only result I've found seems to require 2.2. I have an iPhone 3g on 3.0.

EDIT: I've found something called ultrasnow. If I jailbreak a clean iPhone, will I be able to access cydia? Before I had my iPhone unlocked, it wouldn't let me do anything besides make emergency calls.
EDIT: I've found something called ultrasnow. If I jailbreak a clean iPhone, will I be able to access cydia? Before I had my iPhone unlocked, it wouldn't let me do anything besides make emergency calls.

Yes, just follow the steps for redsn0w to jailbreak and hacktivate. Be sure have redsn0w install Cydia and not Icy (you can install Icy later, if you want). Then add the repository for ultrasn0w and install it.
Restored to 3.0, jailbroke successfully, and ultrasn0w worked. But still overheating. Is it possible to be a virus?
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