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macrumors 68040
Original poster
Jun 27, 2006
Rhode Island
I am having a very odd problem with my MacBook Pro, and I am totally stumped. I'm going to go to as much detail as I can even though it may not seem neccissary, it's probably the best to have as much info as possible.

I was playing around with Motion (latest version) today, and I exported my project as a video. That's when things got weird. After I quit out of Motion the computer started having slowdown issues, just for a moment but then it came back up. I imported the clip into GarageBand to add some sound, and that worked fine, so then I exported the whole video file and then...I wasn't able to open the file, but the Quick Look preview worked fine...except the video didn't export. So I tried opening another video file, same thing, except it did work perfectly in Quick Look. So then I tried just opening an audio file...nope didn't work. I tried re-exporting the video from Motion and all I got when I viewed it in QuickLook was blackness.

So now I'm very nervous, so I did basically everything. Both FSCK and Disk Utility said the disk was fine, and SMART checks out. So then I ran permissions repair, and a bunch of maintenance scrips. Nothing. So then I reset the PRAM. Nothing. So, out of total desperation I reinstalled the OS...nothing.

I have not installed any new software or plug-ins since way before this issue started. RAM checks out. Hard drive checks out. The only thing that happened was when I went to use my MacBook last night, I got a nasty static shock when I touched it (curse these New England winters), but you'd think that would cause more harm than just QuickTime having a total meltdown.

So I've been working on this on-and-off for a few hours, and I am totally confused. I have everything safely backed up so I'm not too worried about having to whipe out the hard drive, I just don't want to do that unless I absolutly have to.
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macrumors 68040
Original poster
Jun 27, 2006
Rhode Island
I think I figured it out. The one thing I didn't try was logging in as a different user. Turns out, when I'm logged into another account it works great. I just need to figure out what it is in my home folder that's screwing everything up.

Any ideas?


macrumors 68040
Original poster
Jun 27, 2006
Rhode Island
Just decided to nuke my library folder and restore one from my backup. Had to do that from a separate user account, but now it works. Yay.
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