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Rick in NC

macrumors member
Original poster
Jul 2, 2010
Kernersville, NC
This is my first post on the site, so please bear with me, but I felt that this is a good place as any to wholeheartedly agree. My first computer was an Atari 600XL and I never would have dreamed that I would be posting messages on something that makes the ST:TNG PADD look antiquated.

I've been a PC person all my life, and have flirted with purchasing a Mac throughout my life (being a music teacher, nearly all of the important programs I use began on the Apple). My wife and I both love our iPhones and when she picked up a MacBook for grad school, I was able to work in an iPad for myself.

I've only had it for 5 days (32 gig 3G) but I've already found that this is a tool I've needed all my life. It not only helps by allowing me to use iPhone apps I've found extremely useful in the classroom, but it's turning out to be a huge help in planning for the fall as well.

The only things that I don't like thus far are things that seem to be Apple-oriented issues- no USB port or SD card slot and some issues with third party programs (Google docs word processor doesn't seem to allow for editing). I also don't know that buying Pages is a smart idea yet thought I would love to do word processing on this rather than my HP laptop. I also wish there was more connectivity between my iPhone and my iPad. I'm sure there is but I'm not completely familiar with all the odds and ends.

I love the keyboard in this, and it was something that I was concerned about. I like the 3G connectivity when there is not wifi available (which was useful is weekend when visiting my 88 year old grandmother) and it's strong enough to withstand my 3 year old's rather hard tapping while playing Traffic Rush :)

If you have any recommendations on how to make better an already wonderful machine, please let me know. I realize that this is an open ended question but I'm still so new to the iPad universe that I am exploring somewhat blindly.


You might want to check out Dropbox and Goodreader. Also, Pages is not exactly expensive :) Try it - multi-touch plus keyboard = success.


Bought Goodreader and Pages within a few hours of getting my iPad. Girlfriend threw in an Apple wireless keyboard and, combined, I'm getting a lot of writing done.
I absolutely adore my iPad and never leave the house without it now. Yes, there are apps for sharing files and such and there is the elusive camera connection kit which can do much more than just work with uploading photos..... The main problem with that right now is availability and there are alot of us out here still trying to get our hands on it. for the 3-year-old playing with your iPad..... That is something I would never permit, but I have seen posts on here from people who have indeed gone ahead and let a very young child take the iPad in hand. All I can say is, well, it is your iPad and your money......
I have to seriously limit my 7 year-olds time on the ipad. I don't think she eat or sleep given the opportunity.

It actually is tough for me to give up, because I always want to be using. The amazement hasn't worn off and I've had the a 64 GB 3G since day 1.

I'm a director/choreographer (musical theatre). It is wonderfully useful in my work. I keep scripts on there, and choreographic notes in pages (with diagrams I've made in iDraw). I'm doing a show in seoul right now and have used TakeNotes to mark up PDFs of lyric and script translations. It's never out of my hand. And it makes it through an entire day of rehearsal (even a 10 out of 12 - we're in tech now.)

I freakin' love this thing.
Can I ask what apps are you using? Do you play many games/Netflix/Email?
Can I ask what apps are you using? Do you play many games/Netflix/Email?

Not too many games. I do have netflix and have used the browser more than anything. I have used iDraft to work on drill for marching band and the kindle app quite a bit (I love how you can read a book back and forth on a Kindle and iPad). I've started using Evernote and a few other knick knacks that work on my iPhone as well.

I'm hoping for a music notation program worth it's salt and will probably purchase Pages as well.
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