Just wondering im pretty sure there isn't anything really moving in the ipad since it has a SSD, but just curious any risks when throwing it on the bed or couch aside from it bouncing off lol.. just want to be sure im not gonna be destroying it.
I was going to say something, my phone gives feedback if I get an email, but my iPad doesn't for some reason. Am I missing a setting, or do I have to restore???
Jk, I know there's no vibe on the Pad.
feedback you mean a vibration alert? the ipad compared to a iphone does not have a vibration alert at all =(
iPad contains no ventilation ports, and therefore no fans. I'm careless with mine, no issues.
I think that there may be fans that you can break.
In response to this.
I was going to say something, my phone gives feedback if I get an email, but my iPad doesn't for some reason. Am I missing a setting, or do I have to restore???
Jk, I know there's no vibe on the Pad.
No, there are no fans.
I was kinda excited about the "haptic feedback" feature, until I realized that it's just the screen vibrating when it is playing music or other sounds. (You can feel "ridges" when you swipe across the screen with sound playing.)