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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Jul 12, 2008
How to Jailbreak 2.2

In this guide i will explain how to jailbreak your iphone 3g, iphone edge, or ipod touch 1g on the new 2.2 firmware. Before you begin make sure you are on a stock 2.2 firmware. I do not recommend starting from a jailbroken 2.1 device. Just start fresh. If you need to know how to restore your firmware check out our guide here: Restoring your Device

Step 1:
Go to the Dev Team iPhone Blog to download Quickpwn 2.2. Scroll down until you find the download section. Download Quickpwn 2.2 for your operating system


Step 2:
Open up the Quickpwn application


Step 3:
Click 'ok' on the dialog box


Step 4:
Connect your device to your computer and then click 'ok' on the dialog box


Step 5:
When Quickpwn asks you to change your boot logos I recommend you dont. If something goes wrong and your stuck at the boot logo with a nice little pineapple, Apple will not replace your device. Protect your investment and click no


Step 6:
Quickpwn will now build the IPSW. Just wait about 1 min


Step 7:
Turn off your device


Step 8:
Now you are going to put your device into DFU mode. Just follow the on-screen instructions and you will be fine. This mode enables Quickpwn to flash your device.


Step 9:
An iTunes error popup might appear. Just hit ok


Step 10:
Now Quickpwn will do its magic. You should see this information on your screen


and then

Step 11:
Now a dialog box should appear under Quickpwn. Hit 'ok' but do not disconnect your device from your computer. In fact, dont touch it!


Step 12:
Your iPhone or iPod Touch's screen should show this image with a progress bar. This takes about 1-2 min.


Step 13:
Your iphone should reboot and you will be good to go!

BTW this is a great tut but if i want to potentially unlock my 3g iphone in the future i cant use QUICKPWN correct?
BTW this is a great tut but if i want to potentially unlock my 3g iphone in the future i cant use QUICKPWN correct?

well maybe

they havent been able to unlock it with the first baseband but they are making progress. however this doesnt mean that the new baseband will be forever locked, just wont be for a while

so if you want a soft unlock use pwnage tool and update via that, not itunes
In regards to STEP 5

Why is it that as of late, I keep reading the same "jailbreak 2.2" tutorial with the recommendation to not change the boot logo?

Listen, if you jailbreak your phone, and your phone gets stuck on the startup screen (first it should be noted that totally bricking your phone is a myth) with the apple icon showing, instead of the pineapple, and then you take it to apple and they look at it......instead of them looking right at the screen and seeing a pineapple (which clearly reveals that your phone is jailbroken) they will see the apple, but then it will only take them a few more minutes to discover your phone is jailbroken.

So if the very rare/never chance of your phone being totally bricked and then you take it to apple to fix, keeping the apple boot logo isn't going to save you it's just going to buy you a few more minutes.

I know this isn't a huge matter, changing the boot logo, just an added customization jailbreaking offers, but recommending not changing it is a little odd.
In regards to STEP 5

Why is it that as of late, I keep reading the same "jailbreak 2.2" tutorial with the recommendation to not change the boot logo?

Listen, if you jailbreak your phone, and your phone gets stuck on the startup screen (first it should be noted that totally bricking your phone is a myth) with the apple icon showing, instead of the pineapple, and then you take it to apple and they look at it......instead of them looking right at the screen and seeing a pineapple (which clearly reveals that your phone is jailbroken) they will see the apple, but then it will only take them a few more minutes to discover your phone is jailbroken.

So if the very rare/never chance of your phone being totally bricked and then you take it to apple to fix, keeping the apple boot logo isn't going to save you it's just going to buy you a few more minutes.

I know this isn't a huge matter, changing the boot logo, just an added customization jailbreaking offers, but recommending not changing it is a little odd.

I have heard of a story where a person's iphone did in fact brick and was stuck at the pineapple boot logo. the user wasnt able to get it back. is your choice obviously i just dont want anyone to get screwed
I have heard of a story where a person's iphone did in fact brick and was stuck at the pineapple boot logo. the user wasnt able to get it back. is your choice obviously i just dont want anyone to get screwed

You heard a story huh? Well that is good enough, no more pineapple boot logo for me.

Hate to be sarcastic there, but come on. If in fact the "user" wasn't able to properly restore his phone, then he shouldn't be jailbreaking

Your also still missing my point, let's say you do in fact brick your phone and it's jailbroken, if you can't get it off the startup menu, having an apple over a pineapple isn't going to help you. They will still know it's jailbroken
well maybe

they havent been able to unlock it with the first baseband but they are making progress. however this doesnt mean that the new baseband will be forever locked, just wont be for a while

so if you want a soft unlock use pwnage tool and update via that, not itunes

Just trying to follow the logic here.

If I use Quickpwn I can still update with iTunes, whereas if I use Pwnage Tool, I can not.

Also, if a new firmware update comes out, I can update with iTunes (if I used Quickpwn), and when the next release of Quickpwn comes out, I can JB again with that?

Also, say I JB with Quickpwn, and a new iPhone update comes out, followed by new releases of Quickpwn and Pwnage Tool. I could safely update to the new iPhone update via iTunes, then use either one to JB, no?

Just trying to follow the logic here.

If I use Quickpwn I can still update with iTunes, whereas if I use Pwnage Tool, I can not.

Also, if a new firmware update comes out, I can update with iTunes (if I used Quickpwn), and when the next release of Quickpwn comes out, I can JB again with that?


theres a baseband called say "A" with 2.1

the dev team has been working on "A" for a while and are nearing a soft unlock for that baseband so you can unlock your phone to use on other carriers

2.2 flashes the baseband and is then updated to baseband "B". The dev team has not worked to exploit this one yet, but might in the future

Updating your iphone via itunes will update your baseband to "B". Quickpwn will then jailbreak your iphone with this baseband

Pwnage tool will allow you to update to 2.2 (through their methods) and jailbreak the phone without flashing the baseband to "B" so you can keep the "A" baseband that is nearing an exploit for unlocking

So if you want to unlock you iphone in near future:
-use pwnage tool and update to 2.2 through them and not itunes so you can keep the "A" baseband
-this requires a restore and subsequent a reload of all media and such

If you dont care about unlocking and plan to stay with ATT:
-use either quickpwn or pwnagetool
-you can update via itunes
-quickpwn will not require a restore, meaning all your media will not have to be reloaded and hence saves a lot of time (this is the reason i did it)

I personally used quickpwn as i updated to 2.2 via itunes so i lost the chance to unlock my iphone in near future. It doesnt affect me as I dont plan to use T-mobile or any other carrier with my iphone. Now even with having baseband "B" doesnt mean its not unlockable. It's just that it would require starting over in a sense to find an exploit when they are still working on a method to exploit baseband "A".....meaning dont expect an unlock option anytime soon if you already have baseband "B"

Also, say I JB with Quickpwn, and a new iPhone update comes out, followed by new releases of Quickpwn and Pwnage Tool. I could safely update to the new iPhone update via iTunes, then use either one to JB, no?

i would get in the habit of restoring iphone to original setting before attempting to upgrade to an updated iphone os. after upgrading, then rejailbreak

now you can update a jailbroken iphone directly in itunes and the only thing will happen is that its no longer jailbroken after update. however, ive heard some issues about not having all the space cleared on the iphone with this process hence why id reccomend restoring it to factory and then update in itunes and then rejailbreak through either program, quickpwn or pwnage tool

hope that helps:)
This video tutorial is incredible, but im still having trouble...

Do I do the QuickPwn process with my Tmobile card in the phone or no card? When I do it with a card, it goes through the process and then when iTunes pops back up when all has completed, it has a lock on the phone and says that it is an invalid SIM.

Your help is wellllll appreciated. I look forward to hearing from you.

You heard a story huh? Well that is good enough, no more pineapple boot logo for me.

Hate to be sarcastic there, but come on. If in fact the "user" wasn't able to properly restore his phone, then he shouldn't be jailbreaking

Your also still missing my point, let's say you do in fact brick your phone and it's jailbroken, if you can't get it off the startup menu, having an apple over a pineapple isn't going to help you. They will still know it's jailbroken

actually i read the thread here lol

apple cant tell if it is jailbroken if you give it to them at the apple store and its stuck at the bootlogo(apple one)
apple cant tell if it is jailbroken if you give it to them at the apple store and its stuck at the bootlogo(apple one)

Your right......not at first anyway, but soon as they are able to get it off the boot screen, sure enough....they will know. Now you could argue, well they already helped you out, so what could they do about it? I don't know? Maybe charge you for the work? or make a note of it?

Another potential problem, what if they can't get it off of the boot screen? then they send it in, you get a FREE phone to replace your broke jailbroke one. It will be a matter of time until they come back and charge you for the new phone since you voided your warranty.
Your right......not at first anyway, but soon as they are able to get it off the boot screen, sure enough....they will know. Now you could argue, well they already helped you out, so what could they do about it? I don't know? Maybe charge you for the work? or make a note of it?

Another potential problem, what if they can't get it off of the boot screen? then they send it in, you get a FREE phone to replace your broke jailbroke one. It will be a matter of time until they come back and charge you for the new phone since you voided your warranty.

Very very true.

If you are going to be sending in your phone to an apple affiliate (which Apple sometimes does recommend for repairs) some of them have no idea about jailbreaking and some will fix it regardless (I have a great apple affiliate which knows I have messed up but will charge Apple for the repairs not me :) )

I would just be careful and hey the worst scenario is they will charge you a fee.
Your right......not at first anyway, but soon as they are able to get it off the boot screen, sure enough....they will know. Now you could argue, well they already helped you out, so what could they do about it? I don't know? Maybe charge you for the work? or make a note of it?

Another potential problem, what if they can't get it off of the boot screen? then they send it in, you get a FREE phone to replace your broke jailbroke one. It will be a matter of time until they come back and charge you for the new phone since you voided your warranty.

I dont know on the legallity of that so i cant comment on that. anyways im done argueing about boot logos lol
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