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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Aug 15, 2008
Hi All,

We're Flixwagon, we just launched our public iPhone 3G/2.0.1 app for jailbroken phones that allows users to broadcast live video from the iPhone to the web (it's available via Cydia and Installer 4, under Multimedia).

Apple still doesn't support native video recording in the SDK so we had to go the jailbroken route. Once Apple officially supports video recording we plan to develop an app store version, but that may take months to years, depending on Apple's dev plans.

Anyways, since our application is in alpha, we're looking for people who can test newer versions and give us critical feedback about features and functionality. If interested, get in touch with us at: feedback [at] flixwagon [dot] com. (though you don't have to be a tester to use the app, it's open to everyone).

More info here:
Looks pretty cool. I tried it for a few minutes and didn't experience any problems. It's broadcasts a few seconds behind but I guess that's to be expected. All in all it looks like a really cool app.
SWEET! I was actually looking for this, today, and saw it before the post here! I thought it was out for a while, because it's so polished! Great job guys! I know I'm going to use it!

EDIT: How about an EDGE option, or just a record and upload later option? I want to record some footage, but there's no WiFi coverage, and I only have the 2G iPhone. Thanks!
SWEET! I was actually looking for this, today, and saw it before the post here! I thought it was out for a while, because it's so polished! Great job guys! I know I'm going to use it!

EDIT: How about an EDGE option, or just a record and upload later option? I want to record some footage, but there's no WiFi coverage, and I only have the 2G iPhone. Thanks!

+1 Record and upload would be the killer feature for me!
thanks Alpha testers, new release updates

New alpha testers, thanks for joining and taking part in the new release.

Yesterday's release details:

-Added New edge-friendly mode (lower video quality, much faster upload via Edge)
-New still videos mode (higher resolution, fewer frames per second).
-incoming chat messages around videos from the website now displayed on iPhone screen.
-new design
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